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The increasing maturity, performance and miniaturization of sensors, interfaces, processors, networking technologies, memory and displays is enabling a move towards pervasive computing, ubiquitous connectivity and more adaptable interfaces that are sensitive and responsive&#046;<br>Many objects and devices already have embedded processors and sensors&#046; Increasingly then, connections are not just people–people or people–computers, but between people–things and most strikingly, things–things&#046;<br>This changes the web from being a purely virtual, online space to a system that can provide appropriate information, help and services in the real world&#046; If properly harnessed this information will make us better informed and enable smarter decisions by both people and machines&#046;<br>In this frame the range of applications is wide: from physics particle detection, industrial process control, automotive systems, space aircrafts, energy management to more recently biomedicine, and Brain Machine Interface&#046;<br>Although significant advances have been reported, many problems are still to be solved: system level design, design procedures, fabrication techniques and data handling and computing are open for research, while industrial interest is aiming at satisfying technological, cost and manufacturing requirements&#046;<br>The IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces intends to provide a forum for exchange of experience among experts actively involved in research, development and evaluation of new concepts, theoretical methods and experimental characterization as well as in testing techniques concerning micro&#8211; and nano&#8211;sensor systems&#046;<br>TOPICS<br>Papers are solicited in the following and related topics:<br>Sensor interfaces<br>Sensors in biomedical and environmental applications<br>Automotive sensor &amp; sensor interfaces<br>New materials and new technologies for sensors<br>Sensor modeling and design techniques<br>Sensors for space, nuclear and particle physics<br>Optoelectronic and photonic sensors<br>MEMS and MOEMS&#8211;based sensors<br>Post&#8211;processing electronics<br>Noise reduction techniques in sensors interfaces<br>Testing techniques for sensors systems<br>Sensors networks<br>Sensors swarm for internet of things<br>