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The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, sponsored by CE society, is the premier forum for the presentation of the technological advances and research results in the fields of consumer electronics&#046; ISCE 2013, the seventeenth in the series that has been held annually since 1997, brings together the researchers, system developers and service providers and offers a grand chance to share the latest developments of fields pertaining to consumer electronics&#046; This year the theme of the conference is Intelligent Biomedical/Green/Vehicle/3C Consumer Electronics for a Better Life&#046;<br>Topics include, but are not limited to:<br>+Basic Technologies for Consumer Electronics<br>Multimedia Signal Processing<br>Audio Visual Capture, Storage and Recording<br>User Interface and Human <a href="http://www&#046;wikicfp&#046;com/cfp/servlet/event&#046;showcfp?eventid…; style="text&#8211;decoration:underline" id="_GPLITA_1" title="Click to Continue > by Giant Savings">Computer</a> Interaction<br>Display System Design and Implementation<br>Energy Efficient &amp; Energy Aware System Design<br>+Key Entertainment and Information Systems<br>Home Entertainment Systems (including Audio, Video and Gaming)<br>Automotive Entertainment and Information Systems<br>Interactive Digital Media and Virtual Reality Environment<br>Digital Imaging and Camera Technology<br>+Consumer Electronics for Health&#8211;care &amp; <a href="http://www&#046;wikicfp&#046;com/cfp/servlet/event&#046;showcfp?eventid…; style="text&#8211;decoration:underline" id="_GPLITA_2" title="Click to Continue > by Giant Savings">Wellness</a><br>Telemedicine<br>Medical Instrumentation and Diagnostic Systems<br>Health Care and Support Systems for Old People<br>Teaching Aids and Smart Classrooms<br>+Enabling Technologies and Others<br>Radio Frequency Interfaces and Applications, High Speed Connectors<br>Signal Integrity<br>Wireless and Mobile Communication<br>Web Technologies and Home Networking<br>Security and Rights Management including Steganography, Watermarking<br>+Digital Rights Management, IP and Licensing, etc&#046;<br>Open Source in CE Applications<br>Cloud Computing and Smart Grid for CE<br>Product Safety of Consumer Electronics<br>++Special Sessions<br>Intelligent Image Processing for Consumer Applications<br>Medical Image Processing and Analysis for Consumer Electronics<br>Emerging Technologies for Security, Safety, and Privacy<br>Navigation of Mobile Robots<br>Three Dimensional Multimedia Systems and Applications<br>Interactive Digital Media and Virtual Reality Environment<br>Intelligent Computing with Applications for Consumer Electronics<br>Recent RFID/Zigbee Localization and Detection Methods, and Its Applications<br>Recent Advances in Image and Video Analysis<br>RFID in Consumer Electronics<br>Advanced Circuit and System on Green and Biomedical Applications<br>Intelligent Multimedia Processing and Applications<br>Recent Advances in Multimedia Technologies for Consumer Electronics<br>Smart Phone Applications<br>