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FDL is an international forum to exchange experiences and promote new trends in the application of languages, their associated design methods and tools for the design of electronic systems&#046; The Forum is organized around four Thematic Areas (TA) described below and includes working sessions, embedded tutorials, panels, and technical discussions&#046; The Forum includes Industrial Special Sessions, tutorials, and fringe meetings, such as user group or standardization meetings&#046; Authors are invited to submit manuscripts on topics including, but not limited to:<br>1&#046; AFM TA: Applications of Formal Methods for Specification, Verification and Debug<br>TA Chair: Dominique Borrione, TIMA<br>The AFM track addresses the support of system specification, verification and debug by the means of formal methods and assertions&#046;<br>Requirements specifications<br>Specifications refinement<br>Assertion&#8211;based design<br>Automatic monitor and assertion generation<br>Online monitoring infrastructures<br>Specification of extra&#8211;functional properties<br>Formal methods for test generation<br>Formally&#8211;driven debug<br>2&#046; EAMS TA: Embedded Analog and Mixed&#8211;Signal System Design<br>TA Chair: Christoph Grimm, TU Kaiserslautern<br>The EAMS track addresses language&#8211;based modelling and design techniques for embedded Analog and Mixed&#8211;Signal systems&#046;<br>Modeling of AMS, hybrid, multi&#8211;physical, cyber&#8211;physical, or multi&#8211;disciplinary systems<br>Hardware Description Languages for Analog/Mixed&#8211;Signal Circuits and Systems<br>Modeling Languages for hybrid, multi&#8211;physical,cyber&#8211;physical, multi&#8211;disciplinary systems<br>Methods and languages for verification of AMS (hybrid, etc&#046;) systems<br>Methodologies for modeling and design of AMS (hybrid, etc&#046;) systems<br>Methods and models for Re&#8211;use<br>3&#046; DES TA: Digital HW/SW Embedded Systems<br>TA Chair: Martin Radetzki, University of Stuttgart<br>The DES track addresses language&#8211;based modelling and design techniques for digital hardware/software embedded systems&#046;<br>System modelling and executable specification<br>Efficient simulation techniques and tools<br>Virtual prototyping, design validation and analysis<br>Model transformation and system architecture synthesis<br>Software synthesis and programming models for multi&#8211;core<br>Testbench automation and debugging techniques<br>Language standards, design flows, design methodology, case studies <br>4&#046; MDE TA: Model&#8211;Driven Engineering for Embedded Systems Design and Development<br>TA Chair: Julio Medina, University of Cantabria<br>The MDE track addresses the usage, definition, and standardization of conceptual modelling languages and methods for embedded systems&#046;<br>Architecture and system level modelling<br>Model&#8211;based design (MATLAB&#8211;Simulink, Modelica, etc&#046;)<br>Modelling languages for real&#8211;time and embedded systems, performance analysis, validation and verification (MARTE, SDL, AADL, etc&#046;)<br>Tools, languages and frameworks for exploiting model&#8211;driven engineering on embedded systems<br>UML and UML&#8211;based formalisms exploitation and standardization (SysML, MARTE, fUML, xUML, etc&#046;)<br>