Kalyani, Kolkata
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Research articles may be submitted in AICTE (Govt&#046; of India) Sponsored and IEEE CIS Kolkata Chapter technical co&#8211;sponsored International Conference on “Computational Intelligence: Modeling, Techniques and Applications (CIMTA&#8211; 2013” organized by the Department of Computer Science &amp; Engineering, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India at the University of Kalyani, during 27&#8211;28 September 2013&#046; Details about the conference are:<br>Date: September 27&#8211;28, 2013<br>Convention Event: Computational Intelligence: Modeling, Techniques and Applications (CIMTA&#8211;2013)<br>Convention site: http://kucse&#046;in/cimta2013, www&#046;klyuniv&#046;ac&#046;in<br>Paper Submission Link: Papers to be within 5 pages, two column IEEE format without author information in manuscripts, to be submitted through Easy Chair conference submission system https://www&#046;easychair&#046;org/conferences/?conf=cimta2013; Paper format is available at: http://kucse&#046;in/cimta2013<br>CIMTA&#8211;2013 will cover all aspects of computational intelligence in, computer science and technology, general sciences, and educational research&#046; These fields are not only limited to computer researchers but also include mathematics, chemistry, biology, bio&#8211;chemistry, engineering, statistics, and all others in which computer techniques may assist&#046; This international conference will enlighten the participants to share their views and ideas on latest technological developments in an inter&#8211; and intra&#8211;disciplinary perspective&#046;<br>Topics of the Conference (not limited to)<br>Computational Intelligence and techniques in the following domains:<br>&#8211; Computer Science<br>&#8211; Modeling &amp; Simulation<br>&#8211; Cloud Computing<br>&#8211; VLSI<br>&#8211; Neural Networks<br>&#8211; Embedded Systems<br>&#8211; Theoretical Computer Science<br>&#8211; Molecular Computing<br>&#8211; Nano Computing<br>&#8211; Mobile Computing<br>&#8211; Green Computing<br>&#8211; Business Computing<br>&#8211; Computing for GIS &amp; Remote Sensing<br>&#8211; Computing in Sensor &amp; Ad hoc Networks<br>&#8211; Image Processing<br>&#8211; Pattern Recognition<br>&#8211; Optical Networks<br>&#8211; Intelligent Agent based computing<br>&#8211; Soft Computing<br>&#8211; Computer Security<br>&#8211; Web Based Computing<br>&#8211; Bio Computing<br>&#8211; Natural Sciences (Physics/Chemistry/ Mathematics /Zoology/Botany/etc&#046;), Management<br>