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<p style="font:normal 15px Trebuchet MS; line&#8211;height:23px;" align="justify">The International workshop of Advanced Smart Sensor Network Systems focuses on applied research and applications of sensor networks&#046; While sensor networks provide ample opportunities to provide various services, its effective deployment in large scale is still challenging due to various factors&#046; This workshop provides a forum that impacts the development of high performance computing solutions to problems arising due to the complexities of sensor network systems&#046; It also acts as a path to exchange novel ideas about impacts of sensor networks research&#046;</p><br><p style="font:normal 15px Trebuchet MS; line&#8211;height:23px;" align="justify">We expect that the conference and its publications will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements in this important subject&#046; The topics suggested by this conference can be discussed in term of concepts, surveys, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies&#046; Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to&#046;</p><br><h3><strong><font color="#FF0000">Topics Of Interest Include but are not limited to:</font></strong></h3><br><ul style="font:normal 15px Trebuchet MS; line&#8211;height:23pxmargin&#8211;left:50px"><li>Energy&#8211;aware sensor network topology control</li><li>Architecture, Algorithms and Complexity Issues</li><li>Sensor Network Tasking and Self&#8211;Organization</li><li>Architectures for Sensor Networks</li><li>Performance Evaluation of Sensor Networks</li><li>Theoretical Bounds and Optimization of Sensor Networks</li><li>Underwater and Underground Sensor Networks</li><li>Information Fusion Methods</li><li>Classification Methods</li><li>Performance analysis</li><li>Sensor mobility and task Coordination</li><li>Security, privacy, and data integrity</li><li>Networking / Caching Issues in Sensor Networks</li><li>Managing Resource Constraints</li><li>In&#8211;Network Query Processing and Data Storage</li><li>Energy efficient protocols (PHY, MAC, routing, application)</li><li>Lightweight protocols</li><li>Fault tolerance and diagnostics</li><li>Foundations</li><li>Data storage and query processing</li><li>Learning of models from Sensor networks</li><li>Localization and Synchronization in Sensor Networks</li><li>Cooperative Signal Algorithms for Sensor Networks</li><li>Applications in Biology, Manufacturing, Medical Science and Engineering</li></ul>