Stony BrookNY
United States
Deadline Paper
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<pre>The SPIN Symposium is a forum for practitioners and researchers interested in state space&#8211;based techniques for the validation and analysis of software systems&#046; Theoretical techniques and empirical evaluations based on explicit representations of state spaces, as implemented in the SPIN model checker, or other tools or techniques based on the combination of explicit representations with other representations, are the focus of this symposium&#046; We particularly welcome papers describing the development and application of state space exploration techniques in testing and verifying embedded software, security&#8211;critical software, enterprise and web applications, and other interesting software platforms&#046; The symposium aims to encourage interactions and exchanges of ideas with all related areas in software engineering&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Formal verification techniques for automated analysis of software Algorithms and storage methods for explicit&#8211;state model checking Theoretical and algorithmic foundations of model checking Model checking for programming languages and code analysis Directed model checking using heuristics Parallel or distributed model checking Verification of timed and probabilistic systems Model checking techniques for biological systems Formal verification techniques for concurrent software Formal verification techniques for embedded software Abstraction and symbolic execution techniques in relation to software verification Static analysis for state space reduction Combinations of enumerative and symbolic techniques Analysis for modeling languages, such as UML/state charts Property specification languages, including temporal logics Automated testing using state space and/or path exploration Derivation of specifications, test cases, or other useful material from state spaces Combination of model checking techniques with other analyses Modular and compositional verification techniques Case studies of interesting systems or with interesting results Engineering and implementation of software verification tools Benchmark and comparative studies for formal verification tools Insightful surveys or historical accounts on topics of relevance to the symposium </pre>