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FMCAD 2013 is the thirteenth in a series of conferences on<br>the theory and application of formal methods in hardware and<br>system design and verification&#046; FMCAD provides a leading<br>international forum to researchers and practitioners in<br>academia and industry for presenting and discussing novel<br>methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for<br>formal reasoning about computing systems, as well as open<br>challenges therein&#046;<br>FMCAD 2013 will be co&#8211;located with MEMOCODE, the ACM/IEEE<br>International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for<br>Codesign, in Portland, OR, USA&#046; MEMOCODE will take place<br>from October 18 to 19, followed by a joint FMCAD/MEMOCODE<br>tutorial day on October 20&#046; FMCAD will continue from<br>October 21 to 23, 2013&#046;<br>TOPICS OF INTEREST<br>FMCAD welcomes submission of papers reporting original<br>research on advances in all aspects of formal methods<br>technology and its application to computer&#8211;aided design&#046;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:<br>&#8211;&#8211; Advances in model checking, theorem proving, equivalence<br>checking, abstraction and reduction techniques,<br>compositional methods, automatic decision procedures at<br>the bit&#8211; and word&#8211;level, probabilistic methods, and<br>combinations of deductive methods and decision<br>procedures&#046;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Topics related to the application of formal and<br>semi&#8211;formal methods to functional and non&#8211;functional<br>specification and validation of hardware and<br>software&#046; This includes timing and power modeling, and<br>verification of computing systems on all levels of<br>abstraction&#046; System&#8211;level design and verification,<br>especially for embedded systems, HW/SW co&#8211;design and<br>verification, and transaction&#8211;level verification&#046;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Modeling and specification languages, formal semantics of<br>known languages or their subsets, model&#8211;based design,<br>design derivation and transformation, and<br>correct&#8211;by&#8211;construction methods&#046;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Experience with the application of formal and semi&#8211;formal<br>methods to industrial&#8211;scale designs&#046; Tools that represent<br>formal verification enablement, new features, or a<br>substantial improvement in the automation of formal<br>methods&#046;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Application of formal methods in new areas&#046;<br>