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<p style="font&#8211;family: Arial, Helvetica, sans&#8211;serif; line&#8211;height: 180%;" class="auto&#8211;style1"> Embedded software has become a necessity in almost every aspect of our daily life&#046; The types of embedded software range from self&#8211;contained applications to those embedded in various devices and services, such as mobile phones, vital sign sensors, medication dispensers, home appliances, engine ignition systems, etc&#046; Many such systems are mission /life&#8211;critical and performance&#8211;sensitive&#046; The 19th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real&#8211;Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2013) will bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for the advancing of the technology of embedded and real&#8211;time systems, and ubiquitous computing applications&#046; The conference aims at the investigation of the advances in embedded and real&#8211;time systems and ubiquitous computing applications, the promoting of interaction among people in the areas of embedded computing, real&#8211;time computing and ubiquitous computing, and the evaluating of the maturity and directions of embedded and real&#8211;time system and ubiquitous computing technology&#046; RTCSA 2013 invites submissions of papers with a high quality original research and development for the conference tracks: (1) Embedded Systems, (2) Real&#8211;time Systems, and (3) Ubiquitous Computing/Cyber&#8211;physical Systems&#046;</p> <p style="font&#8211;family: Arial, Helvetica, sans&#8211;serif; font&#8211;weight: bold; text&#8211;align: left ; line&#8211;height: 180%;"> SCOPES: <span style="font&#8211;family: Arial, Helvetica, sans&#8211;serif; font&#8211;weight: normal;"> Following the tradition of IEEE RTCSA, the conference has three tracks: embedded systems, real&#8211;time systems, and ubiquitous computing&#046; The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: </span> </p> <div align="left"> <p style="font&#8211;family: Arial, Helvetica, sans&#8211;serif; text&#8211;align: left; line&#8211;height: 180%;"> <span class="auto&#8211;style2"><strong>EMBEDDED SYSTEMS TRACK</strong></span><br>&#8211;System level design and HW/SW co&#8211;design<br>&#8211;Embedded system design practices<br>&#8211;Operating systems and scheduling<br>&#8211;Software and compiler issues for heterogeneous multi&#8211;core embedded platform<br>&#8211;Embedded system architecture<br>&#8211;Networks&#8211;on&#8211;chip design<br>&#8211;Power/thermal&#8211;aware design issues<br>&#8211;Memory issues for multi&#8211;core embedded platform<br>&#8211;Hardware and software techniques for fault tolerance<br>&#8211;Reconfigurable computing architecture and software support</p> </div> <div align="left"> <p style="font&#8211;family: Arial, Helvetica, sans&#8211;serif; text&#8211;align: left; line&#8211;height: 180%;"> <span class="auto&#8211;style2"><strong>REAL&#8211;TIME SYSTEMS TRACK</strong></span><br>&#8211;Real&#8211;time operating systems<br>&#8211;Real&#8211;time scheduling<br>&#8211;Timing analysis<br>&#8211;Programming languages and run&#8211;time systems<br>&#8211;Middleware systems<br>&#8211;Design and analysis tools<br>&#8211;Communication networks and protocols<br>&#8211;Media processing and transmissions<br>&#8211;Real&#8211;time aspects of wireless sensor networks<br>&#8211;Energy aware real&#8211;time methods<br>&#8211;Databases<br>&#8211;Case studies and applications </p> <p style="font&#8211;family: Arial, Helvetica, sans&#8211;serif; text&#8211;align: left; line&#8211;height: 180%;"> <span class="auto&#8211;style2"><strong>UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING/CYBER&#8211;PHYSICAL SYSTEMS TRACK</strong></span><br>&#8211;Real&#8211;time issues in ubiquitous computing and cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>&#8211;Tools, infrastructures and architectures for ubiquitous computing and cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>&#8211;Devices and enabling technologies for ubiquitous computing and cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>&#8211;Design and verification methodologies for cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>&#8211;Applications of wireless sensor networks<br>&#8211;Ubiquitous computing applications<br>&#8211;Cyber&#8211;physical systems applications<br>&#8211;User interfaces and interaction design issues for ubiquitous computing<br>&#8211;Privacy and security issues and implications of ubiquitous computing<br>&#8211;Location&#8211;dependent and context&#8211;aware computing<br>&#8211;Evaluation methods for ubiquitous computing devices, systems, and applications<br></p></div><br>