<p style="font–family: Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif; line–height: 180%;" class="auto–style1"> Embedded software has become a necessity in almost every aspect of our daily life. The types of embedded software range from self–contained applications to those embedded in various devices and services, such as mobile phones, vital sign sensors, medication dispensers, home appliances, engine ignition systems, etc. Many such systems are mission /life–critical and performance–sensitive. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real–Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2013) will bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for the advancing of the technology of embedded and real–time systems, and ubiquitous computing applications. The conference aims at the investigation of the advances in embedded and real–time systems and ubiquitous computing applications, the promoting of interaction among people in the areas of embedded computing, real–time computing and ubiquitous computing, and the evaluating of the maturity and directions of embedded and real–time system and ubiquitous computing technology. RTCSA 2013 invites submissions of papers with a high quality original research and development for the conference tracks: (1) Embedded Systems, (2) Real–time Systems, and (3) Ubiquitous Computing/Cyber–physical Systems.</p> <p style="font–family: Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif; font–weight: bold; text–align: left ; line–height: 180%;"> SCOPES: <span style="font–family: Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif; font–weight: normal;"> Following the tradition of IEEE RTCSA, the conference has three tracks: embedded systems, real–time systems, and ubiquitous computing. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: </span> </p> <div align="left"> <p style="font–family: Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif; text–align: left; line–height: 180%;"> <span class="auto–style2"><strong>EMBEDDED SYSTEMS TRACK</strong></span><br>–System level design and HW/SW co–design<br>–Embedded system design practices<br>–Operating systems and scheduling<br>–Software and compiler issues for heterogeneous multi–core embedded platform<br>–Embedded system architecture<br>–Networks–on–chip design<br>–Power/thermal–aware design issues<br>–Memory issues for multi–core embedded platform<br>–Hardware and software techniques for fault tolerance<br>–Reconfigurable computing architecture and software support</p> </div> <div align="left"> <p style="font–family: Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif; text–align: left; line–height: 180%;"> <span class="auto–style2"><strong>REAL–TIME SYSTEMS TRACK</strong></span><br>–Real–time operating systems<br>–Real–time scheduling<br>–Timing analysis<br>–Programming languages and run–time systems<br>–Middleware systems<br>–Design and analysis tools<br>–Communication networks and protocols<br>–Media processing and transmissions<br>–Real–time aspects of wireless sensor networks<br>–Energy aware real–time methods<br>–Databases<br>–Case studies and applications </p> <p style="font–family: Arial, Helvetica, sans–serif; text–align: left; line–height: 180%;"> <span class="auto–style2"><strong>UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING/CYBER–PHYSICAL SYSTEMS TRACK</strong></span><br>–Real–time issues in ubiquitous computing and cyber–physical systems<br>–Tools, infrastructures and architectures for ubiquitous computing and cyber–physical systems<br>–Devices and enabling technologies for ubiquitous computing and cyber–physical systems<br>–Design and verification methodologies for cyber–physical systems<br>–Applications of wireless sensor networks<br>–Ubiquitous computing applications<br>–Cyber–physical systems applications<br>–User interfaces and interaction design issues for ubiquitous computing<br>–Privacy and security issues and implications of ubiquitous computing<br>–Location–dependent and context–aware computing<br>–Evaluation methods for ubiquitous computing devices, systems, and applications<br></p></div><br>
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