The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum for theoreticians and<br>practitioners from academia, industry, and government, with the goals<br>of identifying challenges and providing solutions to achieving<br>assurance in mission– and safety–critical systems. Within NASA, for<br>example, such systems include autonomous robots, separation assurance<br>algorithms for aircraft, Next Generation Air Transportation (NextGen),<br>and autonomous rendezvous and docking for spacecraft. Moreover,<br>emerging paradigms such as code generation and safety cases are<br>bringing with them new challenges and opportunities. The focus of the<br>symposium will be on formal techniques, their theory, current<br>capabilities, and limitations, as well as their application to<br>aerospace, robotics, and other safety–critical systems.<br>We encourage submissions on cross–cutting approaches that bring<br>together formal methods and techniques from other domains such as<br>probabilistic reasoning, machine learning, control theory, robotics,<br>and quantum computing among others. Topics of Interest<br>Topics of Interest:<br>* Formal verification, including theorem proving, model checking,<br>and static analysis<br>* Techniques and algorithms for scaling formal methods, including<br>but not restricted to abstraction and symbolic methods,<br>compositional techniques, as well as parallel and distributed<br>techniques<br>* Use of formal methods in automated software engineering and<br>testing<br>* Model–based development<br>* Formal program synthesis<br>* Runtime monitoring and verification<br>* Formal approaches to fault tolerance<br>* Formal analysis of cyber–physical systems, including hybrid and<br>embedded systems<br>* Formal methods in systems engineering, modeling, requirements<br>and specifications<br>* Applications of formal methods to aerospace systems<br>* Use of formal methods in safety cases<br>* Use of formal methods in human–machine interaction analysis<br>* Formal methods for multi–core, GPU–based implementations<br>* Application of formal methods to emerging technologies, e.g.,<br>mobile applications, autonomous systems, web–based application<br>
Moffett Field
United States
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