The SDL Forum is held every 2 years and is one of the most important open events in the calendar for anyone from industry and academia involved in System Design Languages and modelling technologies. It is a primary conference for discussion of the evolution and use of these languages. The most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field are discussed and presented. System and software modelling, specification, and analysis of distributed systems, embedded systems, communication systems, and real–time systems are addressed.<br>The SDL Forum Society that runs the Forum is a non–profit organization established by language users and tool providers to promote the Specification and Description Language (SDL), Message Sequence Charts (MSC) and related System Design Languages (including but not limited to UML, ASN.1, TTCN, SysML and URN), to provide and disseminate information on the development and use of the languages, to support education on the languages and to plan and organize the "SDL Forum" series and events to promote the languages.<br>Objectives<br>We have come to depend heavily on software systems in virtually every sector of human activity, including telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, process automation, and this trend is further increasing. These software systems are increasingly complex because of ever growing demands for functionalities, features and improved user experience. The specification, design, validation, configuration, deployment and maintenance of such systems are accordingly complex tasks, to which the dependability requirements add yet another dimension. The dependability of software systems, which is a multi–attribute quality that includes reliability, availability and security, needs to be taken into account in the development process so that they meet the target requirements. Model–driven dependability engineering aims at developing dependable systems following the model driven paradigm.<br>Topics<br>The aim of the forum is to anticipate and influence future trends and to focus on issues that are important to its expected delegates. Authors are therefore invited to submit papers on topics related to System Design Languages including the following non–exclusive list of topics:<br>– Dependability (availability and reliability) engineering, approaches and standards: model based approaches for dependability, dependability analysis models and evaluation, open middleware services for dependability, implementations and compliance to availability standards, design and validation of configurations, design and validation of upgrade campaigns, standard–based highly–available applications and case studies, tool support for highly–available application development, deployment and management.<br>– Industrial application reports: industrial usage reports, standardization activities, tool support and frameworks, domain–specific applicability (such as telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, control, etc.). Such reports should focus on what is effective (and ineffective) in applying a technique preferably backed up by some measurements. A report should not just describe an implementation, though new application areas are of interest.<br>– System engineering models: semantics of system models, refinement of system designs into hardware/software implementations, integration of system and software design models, non–functional aspects (such as performance, quality of service, real–time aspects, security, etc.) in system models, multi–core models.<br>– Model–driven development: analysis and transformation of models, reuse approaches, verification and validation of models, systematic testing based on and applied to models.<br>– Evolution of development languages: domain–specific language profiles especially for dependability, modular language design, language extensions, semantics and evaluation, methodology for application.<br>
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