The LARS multiconference aims at promoting a comprehensive scientific<br>meeting in the area of Robotics, bringing together researchers,<br>undergraduate and graduate students of Computer Science, Electrical<br>Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and related areas.<br>This multiconference, which is part of the Latin American Robotics Thrends<br>also covering Robotics Competitions (LARC) besides the scientific event,<br>will be through technical sessions, including oral presentation of full<br>papers, technical lectures of recognized importance in the area,<br>tutorials, and also will happen three workshops: of educational robotics<br>(WRE), of undergraduate works (WUWR) and of graduate works (WGWR). We are<br>looking forward to seeing you in LARS 2013.<br>* TOPICS OF INTEREST (but not limited to):<br>–– symbol mediated robot behavior control;<br>–– sensory mediated robot behavior control;<br>–– active sensory processing and control;<br>–– industrial applications of autonomous systems;<br>–– sensor modeling and data interpretation e.g. models and software for<br>sensor data integration, 3D scene analysis, environment description and<br>modeling, pattern recognition;<br>–– robust techniques in AI and sensing e.g. uncertainty modeling, graceful<br>–– degradation of systems;<br>–– robot programming e.g. on–line and off–line programming, discrete event<br>dynamical systems, fuzzy logic;<br>–– Multi–Robot and Multi–Agents, Cooperation and Collaboration;<br>–– CAD–based robotics e.g. CAD–based vision, reverse engineering;<br>–– robot simulation and visualization tools;<br>–– tele–autonomous systems;<br>–– micro electromechanical robots;<br>–– robot control architectures;<br>–– robot planning, communication, adaptation and learning;<br>–– mechanical design;<br>–– robot soccer;<br>–– evolutionary robotics;<br>–– robots for robotic surgery and rehabilitation;<br>–– micro/nano robotics, new devices and materials for robots;<br>–– recognition and synthesis of voice and natural language generation;<br>–– robotics vision and image processing;<br>–– vision in robotics and automation;<br>–– education issues in robotics;<br>–– robotics in education;<br>–– computing architectures;<br>–– sensor Networks, architectures of embedded Hardware and software;<br>–– sensor–motor control of robots, robotic manipulators;<br>–– self–Localization, Mapping and Navigation;<br>–– multi–robot systems;<br>–– aerial vehicles;<br>–– mobile robot platforms;<br>–– underwater robots.<br>
Deadline Paper
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