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<p><span class="mainüberschrift Stil34">The ZeroWIN Project</span> <span class="Stil50">&#8211; Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks </span></p> <p align="justify"><strong>Imagine a waste&#8211;free future!</strong><br>Moving from the traditional industrial model, where waste is considered the norm, the 30 ZeroWIN partners from 11 countries developed integrated industrial symbiotic systems where everything has a use&#046; By exchanging industrial by&#8211;products, energy, water and materials between sectors, waste from one industry can become raw material for another&#046; Businesses are encouraged to emulate the sustainable cycles of nature, minimising the burden imposed on the earth and using its resources more efficiently&#046;<br>Developing new technologies for resource&#8211;use optimisation and adapting the industrial network approach to support waste/emission prevention, ZeroWIN has set itself the goal to</p>&#8211; decrease at least 30 percent in greenhouse gas emissions,<br>&#8211; re&#8211;use and recycle at least 70 percent of waste and<br>&#8211; reduce fresh water consumption by at least 75 percent&#046;<br>