<p><span class="mainüberschrift Stil34">The ZeroWIN Project</span> <span class="Stil50">– Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks </span></p> <p align="justify"><strong>Imagine a waste–free future!</strong><br>Moving from the traditional industrial model, where waste is considered the norm, the 30 ZeroWIN partners from 11 countries developed integrated industrial symbiotic systems where everything has a use. By exchanging industrial by–products, energy, water and materials between sectors, waste from one industry can become raw material for another. Businesses are encouraged to emulate the sustainable cycles of nature, minimising the burden imposed on the earth and using its resources more efficiently.<br>Developing new technologies for resource–use optimisation and adapting the industrial network approach to support waste/emission prevention, ZeroWIN has set itself the goal to</p>– decrease at least 30 percent in greenhouse gas emissions,<br>– re–use and recycle at least 70 percent of waste and<br>– reduce fresh water consumption by at least 75 percent.<br>
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