Deadline Paper
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<br><span class="text"><font size="2"><span style="font&#8211;size:12px;line&#8211;height:15px;"><span class="text"><font size="2"><span style="font&#8211;size:12px;line&#8211;height:15px;">The International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore System&#8211;on&#8211;Chip (MCSoC&#8211;13) aims at providing the world&#8242;s premier forum of leading researchers in the embedded multicore SoCs software, tools and applications design areas for Academia and industries&#046; Prospective authors are invited to submit paper of their works&#046; Submission of a paper implies that at least one of the authors will have a full registration to the symposium upon acceptance of the paper&#046;<br></span></font></span><br><font size="2">Topics of Interests:<br>Software for Embedded Multicore and Manycore: Compilers, cross assemblers, programming, memory management,<br>object&#8211;oriented aspects, virtual machines, concurrent software for SoCs&#046;<br>Hardware for Embedded Multicore: SoCs, DSPs, hardware specification, modeling, synthesis, low power simulation and<br>analysis, reliable, performance modeling, security issues&#046;<br>Embedded Multicore System Architecture: Multicore, Many&#8211;core, reconfigurable platforms, memory management<br>support, communication, protocols, real&#8211;time systems<br>Network&#8211;on&#8211;chip: NoC architecture, Power and energy issues in NoC , Application specific NoC design, Timing,<br>synchronous /asynchronous communication, RTOS support for NoC, Modeling, simulation, NoC support for MCSoC,<br>NoCs for FPGAs and structured ASICs, NoC design tools<br>Multicore Real&#8211;time Systems: Software, distributed real&#8211;time systems, real&#8211;time kernels, task scheduling, multitasking<br>design<br>Multicore Testing: Design&#8211;for&#8211;test, test synthesis, built&#8211;in self&#8211;test, embedded test for MCSoC<br>Multicore Practices &amp; Benchmarks: Software, tools, trends, emerging technologies, experience maintaining benchmark<br>suites, representation, tools, copyrights, maintenance<br>Packaging Technologies for MCSoCs<br>Embedded Systems and Network Protocols<br></font></span></font></span>