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The First Workshop on Modeling of Biological Systems (MoBS) focuses on computational methods, algorithms, and software tools for the modeling and analysis of biological systems&#046; For biologists, this workshop is an opportunity to showcase their work to an entirely new audience and gain exposure to a new talent pool of potential postdocs and graduate students&#046; For EDA experts, the workshop provides an excellent opportunity to explore challenges in biology and medical research, and recognize potential for new collaborations and novel applications of methods and techniques they are familiar with&#046;<br>The workshop format includes invited talks by leading researchers in computational biology, oral presentations and posters&#046; The workshop encourages early dissemination f ideas and results highlighting important new problems in the early stages of development, without providing complete solutions&#046;<br>Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):<br>&#8211; biological network inference<br>&#8211; optimization/learning techniques applied to biological data<br>&#8211; stochastic modeling of biological systems<br>&#8211; CAD and visualization of biological systems<br>&#8211; dataKmining for bio and healthKcare systems<br>&#8211; hybrid methods for bioKsystem simulation<br>&#8211; bioKmodel validation and verification<br>&#8211; sensitivity analysis for biological systems<br>