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Topic of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Information Technology:<br>Green Software Engineering, Green and Sustainable Computing, Energy&#8211;aware Distributed System, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Artificial Intelligent, Visualization and Computer Graphic, Signal and Image Processing, Multimedia Technology, Social Media, Creating Green Awareness using IT&#046;<br>Communication and Vehicular Technology:<br>Green Networking and Communications, Power Efficient Telecommunication Systems, Wireless Ad&#8211;hoc and Sensor Networks, Cognitive Radio, Cooperative Communications, Radio Resource Management and Optimization, Vehicular Communication Systems, Information Theory and Coding Systems&#046;<br>Power System and Electronics:<br>Power Generation, Protection, and Conversion, Power Engineering and Systems, High&#8211;Voltage Engineering, Power Transmission and Distributions, Electric Motors, Green Design for VLSI and Micro Electronic Circuits, Embedded Systems&#046;<br>Control Systems:<br>Control Theory and Applications, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Control, Control Engineering&#046;<br>Green Applications and Interdisciplinary Topics:<br>Green Applications in Smart Cities, Context&#8211;aware Applications for Smart Buildings, Intelligent and Green Technologies for Transportation Systems, Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics, Green Applications in Healthcare, Environment Protection, Vehicle, etc&#046;