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Emerging technologies such as mobile, social computing, cloud, big data and analytics start to bring fundamental transformations in the IT industry&#046; The time has come that consuming these technologies together can bring about revolutionary shifts much bigger than each of the technology by itself&#046; The confluence of all of these technologies to purposefully interact, integrate and inter operate with each other, together, may birth novel and high business value capabilities, services and solutions, This creates exciting opportunities for the advancement of science and technologies as well as opportunities for new software product offerings like never before&#046;<br>Research Topics<br>CASCON 2013 invites authors to submit original papers addressing these challenges and others in the broad area of software systems and technologies, including but not limited to the following topics:<br>&#8211; Cloud Computing: cloud platforms and frameworks, autonomic management, adaptive systems, virtualization<br>&#8211; Intelligence and Analytics: predictive modelling and analytics, data warehouses, web&#8211;level data, OLAP, data mining, data visualization, intelligent search, data integration, risk analytics<br>&#8211; Big Data and Databases of the Future: database infrastructure and technology,big data, stream data, XML and text data, query processing and optimization, data mining, integrated data management<br>&#8211; Software Processes and Tools: compilers and interpreters, development environments, collaboration, service&#8211;oriented programming, agile methods, collaboration and awareness, end&#8211;user programming, open source, distributed and ultra&#8211;large scale software systems<br>&#8211; Software Analysis and Modelling: software analysis and testing, model checking, metrics, software analytics, program comprehension<br>&#8211; Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing: mobile application programming models, write once run anywhere, mobile application security, mobile application versioning control and distribution management<br>&#8211; Smart Systems and Services: web applications and web&#8211;based systems, scripting languages, privacy and trust, mobile web, semantic web, collaboration environments and technologies, cognitive support for smarter interactions, interaction patterns, end user programming, data relationship discovery, data visualization, HCI, context, personal agents, ontology and semantics<br>&#8211; Software as a Service: new computation and business models, large&#8211;scale system integration, legal, economic and societal issues<br>&#8211; Dynamic Business Processes: RESTful services; Smart services, BPM, SOA<br>&#8211; Energy Aware Computing: energy aware platform architecture, development tools and energy aware resource management<br>&#8211; Next Generation Systems: multi&#8211;core systems, stream processing systems, graphical processing systems, FPGA<br>