<p>The <span class="bold">Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements</span>, more popularly referred to as <span class="bold">CPEM</span>, is devoted to topics related to electromagnetic measurements at the highest accuracy levels. These cover the frequency spectrum from dc through the optical region. A major focus of this conference is quantum devices that relate electrical standards to fundamental constants and the international system of units.</p> <p>CPEM attracts a highly specialized international participation. The principal types of organizations that participate at CPEM are the national standards laboratories; industrial organizations that manufacture the highest accuracy electrical standards and measurement instruments; industrial and government standards laboratories that interact extensively with national laboratories; and universities that conduct research on precision measurements, standards and related fundamental constants. Attendance at CPEM is considered a must for the researchers and metrologists who are responsible for electrical standards.</p><p>Topics of Interest<br>AC and DC Current<br>AC and DC Voltage<br>AC–DC Difference<br>DC and AC Voltage Ratio<br>DC and AC Current Ratio<br>Fundamental Constants<br>Superconducting Quantum Standards<br>SQUID & Cryogenic Current Comparators (CCC)<br>Redefinition of the International System of Units (SI)<br>Avogadro Constant, Watt Balances<br>Gravitational Constant, Magnetic Levitation<br>Josephson Voltage Standards<br>Quantum Hall Effect Standards<br>Impedance, Coaxial Bridges<br>Low Current / Single–Electron Tunnelling (SET)<br>Photonics<br>High Harmonic Interferometry<br>High Resolution Spectroscopy<br>Lasers, Frequency Combs<br>Optical Metrology<br>Power and Energy<br>Harmonic Power<br>Signal Analysis<br>High Voltage and Pulse<br>High Current and Pulse<br>Metrology for Smart Grid Applications<br>Radio Frequency / Microwave<br>S–Parameters, Thermal Noise<br>Antennas, Fields and EMC<br>Fast Pulses and Waveform Metrology<br>Ultra Fast Oscilloscopes<br>Resistance<br>Graphene–Based Electrical Metrology<br>Time and Frequency<br>Optical Clocks<br>Optical Frequency Standards<br>Trapped Ions/Atoms<br>Atomic Fountain Clocks, Cesium Standards<br>Stable Oscillators<br>Time Scales, Synchronization<br>Magnetics<br>Electromagnetic Properties of Materials<br>Electromagnetic Techniques for Amount of Substance<br>International Comparisons<br>Novel Sensors and Measurements<br>Nanoscale Electrical Measurements<br></p>
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