Kuala Lumpur
Deadline Paper
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End Date

The IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) is pleased to announce the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCAS2013), which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 18th September 2013 to 19th September 2013&#046;<br>The IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems is the foremost global forum for specialist presentations and interactions in the current and emerging areas of electronic circuits and systems&#046; The meeting will provide opportunities of dissemination of information about latest technology to users, manufacturers, academics, and students working in the key area of circuits and systems&#046; The conference offers 2 days of technical papers and educational events related to integrated circuits, including analog, digital, mixed signals, systems on a chip, data converters, memory, RF, communications, imagers, medical and MEMS and NEMS ICs&#046;<br>Call for Papers<br>Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers on the following topics, but not limited to:<br>Analog Circuits and Systems<br>Mixed Signals<br>Systems on Chip (SoC)<br>VLSI<br>Digital Circuits and Systems<br>Memory Design<br>Test and Design&#8211;For&#8211;Testability<br>Biomedical and Life Science<br>CAD Tools<br>Digital Signal Processing<br>Visual Signal Processing<br>MEMS and NEMS Technology<br>RF and Communications<br>Power Electronic Circuits<br>