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<div id="textoDireita"> <p>SBAC&#8211;PAD is an international annual conference, started in 1987&#046; In 2013, this symposium will be hosted by Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil&#046; In each new edition an overview of new developments, applications and trends in parallel and distributed computing technologies are presented&#046; The conference is open for faculty members, researches, specialists and graduate students&#046; With a strong international participation, the submissions come typically from several countries around the world&#046;</p> <p>SBAC&#8211;PAD 2013 will be held in Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil&#046; Situated in the northeast of Brazil, this exciting place is one of the most preferred destinations, for tourism, in Brazil&#046; In Porto you find world class resorts, beautiful beaches and a nice infrastructure for conferences&#046;</p> <p>Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):</p>&#8211; Application&#8211;specific systems<br>&#8211; Benchmarking, performance measurements, and analysis<br>&#8211; Cloud, Grid, cluster, and peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer systems<br>&#8211; Embedded and pervasive systems<br>&#8211; GPUs, FPGAs and other accelerator architectures<br>&#8211; Languages, compilers, and tools for parallel and distributed programming<br>&#8211; Modeling and simulation methodology<br>&#8211; Operating systems and virtualization<br>&#8211; Parallel and distributed systems, algorithms, and applications<br>&#8211; Power and energy&#8211;efficient systems<br>&#8211; Processor, cache, memory, storage, and network architecture<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;world applications and case studies<br>&#8211; Reconfigurable and fault&#8211;tolerant systems<br></div>