Deadline Paper
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End Date

DAES Workshop is organized in conjunction with The 8th FTRA International Conference on<br>Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering &#8211; MUE 2014 (http://www&#046;ftrai&#046;org/mue2014/) and it will take place in Zhangjiajie, China, May 29&#8211;31, 2014&#046; This workshop provides<br>an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of design, synthesis, implementation, test and analysis of embedded systems<br>including digital, analog and mixed devices&#046; The goals of this workshop are to provide a complete coverage of the areas outlined and to bring together the researchers<br>from academic and industry as well as practitioners to share ideas, challenges, and solutions relating to the aspects of this field&#046;<br>Topics:<br>&#8211; embedded systems<br>&#8211; control systems<br>&#8211; biomedical systems<br>&#8211; digital systems and architecture<br>&#8211; electronic signals and systems<br>&#8211; hardware description languages<br>&#8211; hardware&#8211;software co&#8211;design<br>&#8211; signal processing<br>&#8211; logic synthesis<br>&#8211; FSMs, Petri nets and UML in digital design<br>&#8211; measurements, analysis and monitoring<br>&#8211; properties and applications of Boolean Algebra<br>