The program of ECTI–CON 2014 will consist of regular technical sessions and special sessions. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not restricted to:<br>Area 1) Device, Circuits and Systems: Semiconductor Devices, Analog Circuits, Digital Circuits, Mixed Signal Circuits, Nonlinear Circuits and Systems, Sensing and Sensor Networks, Filters and Data Conversion Circuits, RF and Wireless Circuits, Photonic and Optoelectronic Circuits, Low Power Design and VLSI Physical Design, Biomedical Circuits, Assembly and Packaging Technologies, Test and Reliability, Advanced Technologies (i.e. MEMS and Nano–electronic Devices, Metamaterials), Agritronics, Embedded Systems;<br>Area 2) Computers: Computer Architecture, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Knowledge and Data Engineering, Learning Technologies, Multimedia Services and Technologies, Mobile Computing, Parallel/Distributed Computing and Grid Computing, Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Software Engineering, Visualization and Computer Graphics;<br>Area 3) Information Technology: IT Bio/Medical Engineering, Bioinformatics and applications, Ontology, Business and Information Systems, Information Security and Forensic, Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Knowledge Management, Electronic Commerce, Health and Medical Informatics, Hybrid information technology<br>Area 4) Communication Systems: Communication Theory and Information Theory, Antenna and Propagation, Microwave Theory and Techniques, Modulation, Coding, and Channel Analysis, Networks Design, Network Protocols, and Networks Management, Optical Communications, Wireless/Mobile Communications & Technologies, Green wireless networks, Green radio;<br>Area 5) Controls: Control Theory and Applications, Adaptive and Learning Control System, Fuzzy and Neural Control, Mechatronics, Manufacturing Control Systems and Applications, Process Control Systems, Robotics and Automation;<br>Area 6) Electrical Power Systems: Power Engineering and Power Systems, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Energy Conversion, High Voltage Engineering and Insulation, Power Delivery, Illumination, Renewable/Alternative Energy, Energy Policy and Planning;<br>Area 7) Power Electronics: Power devices and components, Power quality control, Harmonic analysis and compensations, Switching circuits and power converters, Motors and drives, Smart grid, Distribution generation and electrical vehicles, Photovoltaic Materials and Solar Cells;<br>Area8) Signal Processing: Signal Processing Theory, Digital Signal Processing Algorithms, Digital Filter Design & Implementation, Array Processing, Adaptive Signal Processing, Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Image Processing, Video Processing, Medical Signal Processing, Medical Imaging;<br>Special sessions: The aim of special sessions is to provide researchers with an opportunity to present their latest, cutting–edge research within specific fields relevant to the theme of the conference. Prospective organizers should submit proposals by September 30, 2013.(Please see details of the proposal preparation at
Nakhon Ratchasima
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