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HVC 2013 invites the submission of technical papers reporting original research and experience results in all sub&#8211;fields of testing and verification applicable to software, hardware, and complex hybrid systems&#046; The conference will involve the presentation of peer&#8211;reviewed, original technical papers, as well as lectures by guests from industry and academia&#046;<br>Unlike previous years, in HVC 2013 the conference proceedings will be published before the conference starts in Springer&#8242;s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS)&#046; The conference proceedings will be handed in an electronic format to the guests of the conference on upon registration&#046;<br>Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:<br>Simulation&#8211;based verification<br>Formal verification methods<br>High&#8211;level stimuli generation<br>Equivalence checking<br>SAT/SMT&#8211;based verification algorithms<br>Classification of hardware bugs<br>Static analysis<br>Verification coverage<br>Design for verifiability<br>Hardware/software co&#8211;verification<br>Debugging<br>Semi&#8211;formal verification<br>Emulation and acceleration<br>Formal modeling and specification<br>Post&#8211;silicon validation<br>CSP&#8211;based functional verification<br>Formal specification languages<br>Model checking<br>Verification, Validation, and Testing (VVT) of Engineered Systems<br>Continuing what was started last year, HVC will extend the traditional focus on hardware and software verification to include verification, validation, and testing (VVT) of complex hybrid systems as a part of the systems&#8211;engineering paradigm&#046; Consequently, additional topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Test and evaluation (T&amp;E) of systems<br>System modeling and simulation<br>Formal verification and analysis<br>System requirement management &#8211; modeling, analysis, and verification<br>Focused VVT domains such as hardware, software, safety&#8211;critical systems, or specific hybrid systems &#8211; including aerospace &amp; defense, and automotive<br>VVT during focused system lifecycles &#8211; specification, design, implementation, integration, qualification<br>VVT planning and optimization<br>VVT for Systems&#8211;Engineering<br>