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The ICECCO 2013 aims are collaboration for researchers and developers from various areas of electronics and computing, developers and practitioners to explore and address the challenging research issues on e&#8211;technology with the purpose of developing a common research agenda and vision for electronics and computer sciences&#046; The main focus of this conference is on the enabling technologies to facilitate next generation&#046; By conducting this conference we hope to make a universal impact on the related subjects&#046;<br>The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the Conference by presenting a research paper&#046; Different kinds of papers are solicited, including research papers, lessons learned, status reports, discussion papers, etc&#046; Acceptance of the papers will be mainly based on the following criteria: novelty and significance of results&#046; Commercial and promotional papers and papers already published cannot be accepted&#046;<br>The Conference provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and latest research results from universities and industries&#046; With this respect we highly encourage PhD students to submit their research studies including preliminary results&#046;<br>We are soliciting research papers as well as proposals for tutorials on all aspects of Electronics and Computer Engineering in Following areas;<br>TRACKS:<br>Information Retrieval<br>Signal Processing<br>Computer Vision<br>Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence<br>Multimedia Forensics<br>Database Systems<br>Scientific Computation<br>Bioinformatics<br>Biomedical Engineering<br>Computer Networks<br>Networks and Data Security<br>Parallel and Distributed Systems<br>Modeling and Simulation<br>