CIT has become a primary venue for researchers and industry practitioners to discuss open problems, new research directions, and real–world case studies on all aspects of computer and information technology. CIT is soliciting original, previously unpublished and high quality papers addressing research challenges and advances spanning over the multidisciplinary aspects of information technology, computing science and computer engineering. The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to, broadly understood:<br>Track 1. Information Technology<br>Image, Video, Audio, Documents<br>Databases, Indexing<br>Coding, Compression<br>Cryptography, Watermarking, Networks and Security<br>E–Government, E–Commerce, E–learning<br>Software Engineering<br>Semantic Web, Knowledge Management<br>Metamodeling, Domain–Specific Modeling, Aspect–Oriented Modeling<br>Model Transformation, Model Composition<br>Track 2. Computer Science<br>Numerical Algorithms and Analysis<br>Computational Simulation and Analysis<br>Data Visualization and Virtual Reality<br>Scientific and Engineering Computing<br>Parallel and Distributed Computing<br>Grid Computing and Cluster Computing<br>Embedded and Network Computing<br>Algorithms and Data Structures<br>Programming Language Theory<br>Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Systems<br>Computational Science<br>Health Informatics<br>Track 3. Signal Processing<br>Signal Processing Theory and Methods<br>Signal Processing for Communications and Networking<br>Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems<br>Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing<br>Signal Processing Education<br>Audio Signal Processing<br>Speech and Spoken Language Signal Processing<br>Image, Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing<br>Multimedia Signal Processing<br>Track 4. CPS and Internet of things<br>Access Network Technologies<br>Network, Communication Systems and System Architectures<br>Risk, Security and privacy<br>Location, Searching and Discovery<br>Real–time Communication and Collaboration for Smart things<br>Sensor Networking Technologies (e.g., RFID, WSN)<br>Web of Things<br>CPS(Cyber, Physical and Social) Technologies<br>Modeling and Simulation tools and Technologies<br>Case Studies in Areas of Smart Grid, Healthcare, Agriculture, Logistics, Environmental monitoring and Transport, etc<br>Emerging IoT Business Models and Process Changes<br>Social Networking and Computing<br>Education<br>Track 5. Reliability, Security, Privacy and Trust<br>Information and System Security<br>Reliable Computing<br>Trusted Computing<br>Network Security and Privacy<br>Track 6. Applications, Business and Social Issues<br>Business Ontologies and Models<br>Digital Goods and Services<br>Electronic Service Delivery<br>E–Marketing<br>Languages for Describing Goods and Services<br>Online Auctions and Technologies<br>Virtual Organizations and Teleworking<br>Track 7. Database and Data Mining<br>Feature Selection and Feature Extraction<br>Temporal and Spatial Data Mining<br>Sequential Data Mining<br>Stream Data Mining<br>Social Network Mining<br>Web Mining<br>Text, Graph, Video, Multimedia Data Mining<br>High Performance Data Mining Algorithms<br>Knowledge Discovery<br>Databases and Data Mining Applications<br>Track 8. Microwave and radar<br>Cognitive Radar<br>Compressive Sensing<br>Knowledge Based or Aided Method<br>High Resolution Method<br>Target Detection and Recognition<br>Track 9. System Software and Software Engineering<br>Software Architectures and Design for Emerging Systems<br>Software Engineering for Emerging Networks and Systems<br>System Software for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems<br>Software Engineering for Mobile Systems<br>Service Oriented Architectures<br>Rapid Application Development for Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Systems<br>Software Processes for Emerging Computer Systems<br>Project Management for Emerging Computer Systems<br>Track 10. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence<br>Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition<br>Machine Learning and Data Mining<br>Applications of Pattern Recognition<br>Computer Vision<br>Image Recognition, Analysis, Understanding, and Processing<br>Multimedia and Document Analysis, Processing and Retrieval<br>Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction<br>Pattern Recognition Theory and Methods<br>Evolutionary Computation<br>Multidisciplinary Artificial Intelligence<br>Track 11. Information Technology in Biomedicine<br>Wireless E–healthcare<br>Cyber–physical System in Healthcare Domain<br>E–health Security<br>Smartphone Applications for E–healthcare<br>Wireless Body Area Networks<br>Telemedicine<br>Medical Data Collections<br>Other Related Topics<br>Track 12. Wireless Communications<br>Information Theory<br>Multimedia Signal Processing<br>Cross Layer Optimization in Wireless Networks<br>Cognitive Radio, Ultra–wideband<br>Multihop and Cooperative Communications<br>Modulation, Coding, Diversity<br>OFDM, CDMA, Spread Spectrum<br>MIMO Systems and Smart Antennas<br>Signal Processing in Body Area Networks<br>Wireless Emergency and Security Systems<br>Track 13. Mobile Multimedia Communications<br>Resource Allocation and Joint Source–channel Coding for Wireless Multimedia<br>Wireless Multimedia Relays Networks and Cooperative Communications<br>Rate Control and Coding Algorithms for Mobile Wireless Video Communications<br>Multimedia over Cognitive Radio Networks<br>Multimedia over Wireless Ad–hoc and P2P Networks<br>QoS Signaling and Protocols for Mobile Wireless Multimedia<br>Mobility and Multimedia Data Traffic Modeling<br>Mobile Multimedia Test–beds And Related Research Infrastructures<br>Multimedia Digital Signal Processing for Mobile Healthcare<br>Multimedia Security Issues over Mobile and Wireless Networks<br>Multimedia in Mobile Computing: Issues, System Design, and Performance Evaluation<br>
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