North Korea
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The International Conference on Computers, Communications, and Systems (ICCCS) has been organized successfully for last 13 years with the objectives of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of computers, communications and systems&#046;<br>The ICCCS 2013 will provide presentations of invited and regular papers from manufacturers, academia, and service providers including keynote speeches given by distinguished speakers&#046; The special theme of ICCCS this year is focussed on "Paradigm Revolution Through Information Technology"&#046;<br>Including papers related to the special theme, papers in the following area are welcome in the following scope, but are not limited to these topics&#046;<br>Theme: Paradigm Revolution Through Information Technology<br>Scope and Topics<br>Track 1 (Computers &amp; Information )<br>Computer Architecture<br>Web Mining<br>Artificial Intelligence<br>Agent, Data mining, Ontologies<br>Computer Graphics and Vision<br>Visualization<br>Computational Theory<br>Software Engineering<br>Web Applications<br>E&#8211;Learning<br>Information Management Systems<br>Track 2 (Communications)<br>Antennas and Propagation<br>RFID/USN<br>Telecommunication Theory and Systems<br>Mobile/Wireless Comm&#046;<br>Networks and Services<br>Multimedia<br>Telematics<br>Switching and Routing Technologies<br>Digital Signal/Image Processing<br>Track 3 (Electronics &amp; Systems)<br>Intelligent Systems and Methods<br>Robotics and Automation<br>VLSI Design and Semiconductors<br>Power Electronics and Circuits<br>Nano Technologies<br>Linear/nonlinear Systems<br>Sensors and Control<br>SoC Design Methodology<br>Embedded System S/W and H/W<br>