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<br>*Information Systems Engineering in Times of Crisis*<br>Real&#8211;time information systems and overly complex financial products have<br>been blamed as causes of recent financial crises&#046; The IS Engineering<br>community is treating such phenomena as challenges, to be addressed through<br>research and improved practices&#046; In particular, our community has begun to<br>address the role of information systems in predicting, preventing, and<br>reacting to crises of many different kinds: data&#8211;centric financial and<br>fiscal dependency analysis of the globalized financial systems, resilience<br>of critical infrastructures by information management, reaction to natural<br>disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, etc&#046; Due to the very nature<br>of crises as unexpected events with broad and vast impact, IS Engineering<br>challenges traditional wisdom and methodologies, as well as interactions<br>between research and practice including stakeholders such as crisis victims&#046;<br>CAiSE &#8242;14 will, as always, act as a forum of discussion that brings<br>together researchers and practitioners in the field of IS Engineering&#046; It<br>will be the place to share mature research, ground&#8211;breaking ideas, and<br>experience reports in our discipline&#046;<br>CAiSE welcomes all submissions that fall in the domain of information<br>systems engineering&#046; This year, the conference extends a special welcome to<br>papers that address the role of IS engineering in crisis situations&#046; Four<br>kinds of contributions are accepted: technical papers, empirical evaluation<br>papers, reports of experience, and exploratory papers&#046; The CAiSE topics of<br>interest include, but are not restricted to:<br>*Methods, techniques and tools for IS engineering*<br>&#8211; Innovation and creativity in IS engineering<br>&#8211; Enterprise architecture and enterprise modelling<br>&#8211; Requirements engineering<br>&#8211; Business process modeling, analysis and management<br>&#8211; Requirements, models, and software reuse<br>&#8211; Adaptation, evolution and flexibility issues<br>&#8211; Domain engineering<br>&#8211; IS in networked &amp; virtual organizations<br>&#8211; Method engineering<br>&#8211; Knowledge, information, and data quality<br>&#8211; Languages and models<br>&#8211; Mining, monitoring and predicting<br>&#8211; Variability and configuration<br>&#8211; Matching, compliance and alignment issues<br>&#8211; Conceptual design and modelling<br>&#8211; Security<br>&#8211; Service science<br>*Innovative platforms, architectures and technologies for IS*<br>&#8211; Service&#8211;oriented architecture<br>&#8211; Model&#8211;driven architecture<br>&#8211; Component based development<br>&#8211; Agent architecture<br>&#8211; Distributed, mobile, and open architecture<br>&#8211; Innovative database technology<br>&#8211; Semantic web<br>&#8211; IS and ubiquitous technologies<br>&#8211; Adaptive and context&#8211;aware IS<br>*Domain specific IS engineering:*<br>&#8211; Crisis Management<br>&#8211; eGovernment<br>&#8211; Enterprise applications (ERP, COTS)<br>&#8211; Data warehouses and business intelligence<br>&#8211; Workflow systems<br>&#8211; Knowledge management systems<br>&#8211; Content management systems<br>