The ICSMO 2014 conference proceeding will be published in the International Journal of Modeling and Optimization (ISSN:2010–3697 ), and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by ProQuest,Google Scholar and Crossref.<br>Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:<br>Agent Based Simulation<br>Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications<br>Application of Simulation Software<br>Application of Modelling and Simulation<br>Application technology<br>Biomedical visualization and applications<br>Bond Graph Modelling<br>CAD/CAE/CAM/CIMS/VP/VM/VR<br>Chaos Modelling, Control and Signal Transmission<br>Circuit simulation & modeling<br>Computational and Systems Biology<br>Computational Modelling and Simulation in Science and Engineering<br>Computer Games and Simulation<br>Computing and Simulation applications in science and engineering, society, economics, management, energy, environment, life and biomedical engineering, etc.<br>Computing and Simulation applications in education<br>Computing and Simulation applications in military field<br>Databases and visualization<br>Device simulation & modeling<br>Discrete and numerical simulation<br>High Performance Computing & Simulation<br>Information and scientific visualization<br>Intelligent computing and simulation technology<br>Interaction paradigms and human factors<br>Internet, web and security visualization<br>Knowledge–based simulation<br>M&S (M&S) technology on synthesized environment and virtual reality environment<br>M&S technology of continuous system/discrete system / hybrid system, /Intelligent system<br>M&S technology of complex system and open, complex, huge system<br>Mathematical Modelling and Application<br>Methodology and technology<br>Modelling and Simulation Methodologies<br>Modelling, Simulation and Control of Technolocial Processes<br>Mathematical and Numerical methods in simulation & modeling<br>Networked Modeling and Simulation technology<br>Object–oriented simulation<br>Parallel and distributed computing simulation<br>Parallel and Distributed Software<br>Perceptual issues in visualization and modeling<br>Pervasive computing and simulation technology<br>Process simulation and modeling<br>Production, Logistics and Transport<br>Prototyping and simulation<br>Real–time modeling and simulation<br>Simulation and Modelling in Molecular Biology<br>Simulation Application in Industry<br>Simulation Based Acquisition (SBA)/virtual prototyping engineering technology<br>Simulation in Industry, Business and Services<br>Simulation of Complex Systems<br>Simulation of Intelligent Systems<br>Simulation, Experimental Science and Engineering<br>Simulator<br>Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) technology<br>Vision and Visualization<br>
Deadline Paper
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