The ACM SIGCOMM 2014 conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks. We invite submissions on a wide range of networking research, including, but not limited to:<br>Design, implementation, and analysis of network architectures and algorithms<br>Enterprise, datacenter, and storage area networks<br>SDNs and network programming<br>Experimental results from operational networks or network applications<br>Economic aspects of the Internet<br>Energy aware communication<br>Insights into network and traffic characteristics<br>Network management and traffic engineering<br>Network security and privacy<br>Network, transport, and application–layer protocols<br>Networking issues for emerging applications<br>Fault–tolerance, reliability, and troubleshooting<br>Operating system and host support for networking<br>P2P, overlay, and content distribution networks<br>Resource management, QoS, and signaling<br>Routing, switching, and addressing<br>Techniques for network measurement and simulation<br>Wireless, mobile, ad–hoc, and sensor networks<br>
United States
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