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The theme of ISCAS 2014 is nano/bio circuits and systems applied to enhancing living and lifestyles, and, in line with the Society’s Mission and Vision (ieee&#8211;cas&#046;org), especially to the multidisciplinary grand challenges in healthcare and well&#8211;being, environment and climate change (e&#046;g&#046; see engineeringchallenges&#046;org )&#046; ISCAS is the world’s premier networking forum in the fields of theory, design and implementation of circuits and systems&#046; The Society’s goal is to build it also as the premier forum in pioneering circuits and systems contributions to humanity’s grand challenges&#046; ISCAS 2014 will include oral and poster sessions, tutorials in emerging topics and special sessions complementing the regular program&#046; It will also include invited industry innovation sessions&#046; ISCAS 2014 Keynotes will be delivered by distinguished speakers focusing on grand challenges relevant to the symposium theme&#046;<br>Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in the areas of the Society’s Technical Committees (listed below) or in other areas relevant to the ISCAS 2014 special theme&#046;<br>Analog Signal Processing<br>Biomedical Circuits and Systems<br>Cellular Neural Networks and Array Computing<br>Circuits and Systems for Communications<br>Circuits and Systems for Video Technology<br>Computer Aided Network Design<br>Digital Signal Processing<br>Education in Circuits and Systems<br>Life Science Systems and Applications<br>Multimedia Systems and Applications<br>Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems<br>Neural Systems and Applications<br>Nonlinear Circuits and Systems<br>Power and Energy Circuits and Systems<br>Sensory Systems<br>Visual Signal Processing and Communications<br>VLSI Systems and Applications