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The purpose of SECRYPT 2014, the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, is to bring together researchers, mathematicians, engineers and practitioners interested on security aspects related to information and communication&#046;<br>Theoretical and practical advances in the fields of cryptography and coding are a key factor in the growth of data communications, data networks and distributed computing&#046; In addition to the mathematical theory and practice of cryptography and coding, SECRYPT also focuses on other aspects of information systems and network security, including applications in the scope of the knowledge society in general and information systems development in particular, especially in the context of e&#8211;business, internet and global enterprises&#046;<br>Information theory and information security are hot topics nowadays, ranging from statistics and stochastic processes to coding, from detection and estimation to Shannon theory, from data compression to data networks and systems security, cryptography, as well as many other topics&#046;<br>Conference Topics<br>Identity Management<br>Security Area Control<br>Sensor and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Security<br>Risk Assessment<br>Information Hiding<br>Intrusion Detection &amp; Prevention<br>Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Security<br>Data Integrity<br>Reliability and Dependability<br>Digital Rights Management<br>Secure Software Development Methodologies<br>Management of Computing Security<br>Service and Systems Design and QoS Network Security<br>Security requirements<br>Ubiquitous Computing Security<br>Information Systems Auditing<br>Insider Threats and Countermeasures<br>Security Engineering<br>Security Verification and Validation<br>Security Deployment<br>Security Metrics and Measurement<br>Personal Data Protection for Information Systems<br>Identification, Authentication and Non&#8211;repudiation<br>Security in Distributed Systems<br>Digital Forensics<br>Intellectual Property Protection<br>Data Protection<br>Privacy<br>Security and Privacy in IT Outsourcing<br>Security and Privacy in Location&#8211;based Services<br>Security and Privacy in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing<br>Security and Privacy in Social Networks<br>Security and Privacy Policies<br>Security Management<br>Access Control<br>Applied Cryptography<br>Biometrics Security and Privacy<br>Critical Infrastructure Protection<br>Database Security and Privacy<br>Ethical and Legal Implications of Security and Privacy<br>Network Security<br>Organizational Security Policies<br>Security and privacy in Complex Systems<br>Security and Privacy in Mobile Systems<br>Security and Privacy in Web Services<br>Software Security<br>Trust management and Reputation Systems<br>Formal Methods for Security<br>Privacy Enhancing Technologies<br>Security Protocols<br>Human Factors and Human Behavior Recognition Techniques<br>Security and Privacy in Crowdsourcing<br>Security and Privacy in Smart Grids<br>Security and Privacy in the Cloud<br>Security Information Systems Architecture<br>Wireless Network Security<br>