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Following the successful PAAP’08 in Hefei, PAAP’09 in Nanning, PAAP’10 in Dalian, and PAAP’11 in Tianjin, PAAP’12 in Taipei, the Sixth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP 2013) will be held in Guangzhou, during December 20&#8211;22, 2013&#046; The PAAP 2013 aims at addressing advances in research on parallel computing and information security, covering topics from theoretic studies to technology issues and applications&#046; The conference is to provide a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to present their research results and development activities in all aspects of computer engineering and it also provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration, especially&#046; We devoutly wish participants to learn the basic theory of a gradual approach, practical experimental data, new business models, and the latest academic trends from this conference&#046;<br>PAAP 2013 is sponsored by IEEE Computer Society (Guangzhou Subsection)&#046; The conference will be organized by Sun Yat&#8211;Sen University&#046; Sun Yat&#8211;sen University was founded in 1924 by Dr&#046; Sun Yat&#8211;sen (also called Sun Zhongshan), a great democratic revolutionary leader of the 20th century&#046; The University is located in Guangdong Province, an area neighboring Hong Kong and Macao, which is at the forefront of China’s reform and opening up&#046; According to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking for 2010&#8211;2011, Sun Yat&#8211;sen University was ranked in the top 200 in the world&#046;<br><span style="position:absolute;z&#8211;index:21; left:78px;top:306px;width:675px;height:591px"><h1 style="margin&#8211;top:8&#046;0pt;line&#8211;height:110%"><span style="font&#8211;size:14&#046;0pt;line&#8211;height:110%;font&#8211;family:Arial;font&#8211;weight:normal; language:en&#8211;US" lang="en&#8211;US">Following the successful PAAP’08 in Hefei, PAAP’09 in Nanning, PAAP’10 in Dalian, and PAAP’11 in Tianjin, PAAP’12 in Taipei, the Sixth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP 2013) will be held in Guangzhou, during December 20&#8211;22, 2013&#046; The PAAP 2013 aims at addressing advances in research on parallel computing and information security, covering topics from theoretic studies to technology issues and applications&#046; The conference is to provide a forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to present their research results and development activities in all aspects of computer engineering and it also provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration, especially&#046; We devoutly wish participants to learn the basic theory of a gradual approach, practical experimental data, new business models, and the latest academic trends from this conference&#046;</span></h1> <h1 style="margin&#8211;top:8&#046;0pt;line&#8211;height:110%"><span style="font&#8211;size:14&#046;0pt;line&#8211;height:110%;font&#8211;family:Arial;font&#8211;weight:normal; language:en&#8211;US" lang="en&#8211;US">PAAP 2013 is sponsored by IEEE Computer Society (Guangzhou Subsection)&#046; The conference will be organized by Sun Yat&#8211;Sen University&#046; Sun Yat&#8211;sen University was founded in 1924 by Dr&#046; Sun Yat&#8211;sen (also called Sun Zhongshan), a great democratic revolutionary leader of the 20th century&#046; The University is located in Guangdong Province, an area neighboring Hong Kong and Macao, which is at the forefront of China’s reform and opening up&#046; According to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking for 2010&#8211;2011, Sun Yat&#8211;sen University was ranked in the top 200 in the world&#046;</span></h1></span>