The wide diffusion of embedded systems, including multi–core, many–core, and reconfigurable platforms, poses a number of challenges related to the security of the operation of such systems, as well as of the information stored in them. Malicious adversaries can leverage unprotected communication to hijack cyber–physical systems, resulting in incorrect and potentially highly dangerous behaviours, or can exploit side channel information leakage to recover secret information from a computing system. Untrustworthy third party software and hardware can create openings for such attacks, which must be detected and removed or countered. The prevalence of multi/many core systems opens additional issues such as NoC security. Finally, the complexity on modern and future embedded and mobile systems leads to the need to depart from manual planning and deployment of security features. Thus, design automation tools will be needed to design and verify the security features of new hardware/software systems. The workshop is a venue for security and cryptography experts to interact with the computer architecture and compilers community, aiming at cross–fertilization and multi–disciplinary approaches to security in computing systems.<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Compiler and Runtime Support for Security<br>Cryptography in Embedded and Reconfigurable Systems<br>Design Automation and Verification of Security<br>Efficient Cryptography through Multi/Many core Systems<br>Fault Attacks and Countermeasures, including interaction with Fault Tolerance<br>Hardware Architecture and Extensions for Cryptography<br>Hardware/Software Security Techniques<br>Hardware Trojans and Reverse Engineering<br>Physical Unclonable Functions<br>Reliability and Privacy in Embedded Systems<br>Security of Cyber–Physical Systems<br>Security of Networks–on–Chips and Multi–core Architectures<br>Side Channel Attacks and Countermeasures<br>Trusted computing<br>
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