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APPLICATIONS, TECHNOLOGIES AND SOCIETAL IMPACTS OF INTERNET OF THINGS<br>The WF&#8211;IOT 2014 Conference seeks to investigate how progress in technologies and applications of Internet of Things can be nurtured and cultivated for the benefit of society&#046; Original papers are solicited in, but are not limited to, the following categories:<br>Technologies:<br>Sensor and Actuator Networks<br>Ultra&#8211;low power IoT Technologies and Embedded Systems Architectures, Body Sensor Networks and Smart Portable Devices<br>NFC, EPCGlobal and Short Range Evolution<br>Energy&#8211; and Power&#8211;Constrained Devices and Gateways<br>Design Space Exploration Techniques for Internet&#8211;of&#8211;Things Devices and Systems<br>Routing and Control Protocols<br>Software Architectures and Middleware, Heterogeneous Networks, Web of Things<br>Sensors Data Management, Big Data and Data Mining, Distributed Storage, Data Fusion, Distributed Sensing and Control, Resource Management and Access Control<br>Mobility, Localization and Management Aspects<br>Security, Trust and Privacy<br>Identity Management and Objects Recognition<br>Localization Technologies<br>Internet Applications Naming and Identifiers<br>Semantic Technologies, Collective Intelligence, Cognitive and Reasoning about Things and Smart Objects, New Sensing<br>Application and Services:<br>Collaborative Applications and Systems, Context Awareness, Ambient Intelligence<br>Service Experiences and Analysis including but not limited to: Smart Cities, Home/Building Automation, e&#8211;Health, e&#8211;Wellness, Automotive, Intelligent Transport, Energy Management, Consumer Electronics; Assisted Living, Rural Services and Production, Industrial IoT Service Creation and Management Aspects<br>Societal Impacts:<br>Human Role in the IoT<br>Social Aspects and Services<br>Value Chain Analysis and Evolution Aspects<br>New Human&#8211;Device Interactions for IoT, Do It Yourself<br>Social Models and Networks<br>New Value Chains Enabled by IoT and Impacts on Existing Ones<br>Green IoT: Sustainable Design and Technologies<br>Metrics, Measurement and Evaluation of the IoT Sustainability and ROI<br>Privacy and Security Concerns<br>Experimental Results<br>Contributions describing results that close the gap between research and implementation are sought&#046; These include, but are not limited to:<br>Experimental prototypes, Test&#8211;Beds and Field Trials Experiences<br>Multi&#8211;Objective IoT System Modeling and Analysis (Performance, Power, Energy, Reliability, Robustness, etc&#046;)<br>IoT Interconnections Analysis (QoS, Scalability, Performance, Interference etc&#046;)<br>Gaps Analysis for Future Research and Standardization<br>