Technical scope<br>The International Steering Committee welcomes original contributions covering all aspects of Computational Electromagnetics. Contributions are encouraged from, but not limited to, the themes and topics in the following areas:<br>A. Methods and techniques of computational electromagnetics<br>A1. Theory<br>A2. Algorithms<br>A3. Software developments<br>A4. Novel computer architecture<br>A5. Coupled problems<br>A6. Optimisation<br>A7. Micro– and nano–electromagnetics<br>A8. Statistical electromagnetics<br>A9. Parallel and high performance computing<br>B. Numerical methods<br>B1. Finite difference and finite volume methods<br>B2. Finite elements/edge elements<br>B3. Boundary elements/method of moments<br>B4. Transmission line modelling<br>B5. Mode matching<br>B6. Geometric theory of diffraction/physical optics<br>B7. Hybrid methods<br>B8. Multipole methods<br>B9. Finite integration<br>C. Applications of CEM<br>C1. Antennas<br>C2. EMC/EM hazards<br>C3. Machine design<br>C4. Non–destructive testing<br>C5. Sensors/actuators<br>C6. Microwave/optical circuits<br>C7. Electromagnetic band gap structures and meta–materials<br>C8. Bio–electromagnetic<br>C9. Nanotechnologies<br>C10. Material modelling<br>C11. Power electronics<br>C12. Visualisation of electromagnetic phenomena<br>C13. Fault tolerant design<br>C14. High power microwaves<br>C15. Pulsed power source modelling<br>C16. Superconductivity<br>C17. Antenna array and phased array EM modelling<br>C18. Millimeter wave and terahertz systems<br>C19. Emerging EM propagation and analysis issues<br>C20. Other applications<br>D. Cem in education<br>E. Code validation
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