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Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) has become pervasive, from supercomputers and server farms containing multicore CPUs and GPUs, to individual PCs, laptops, and mobile devices&#046; Even casual users of computers depend on parallel processing nowadays&#046; It is now necessary for every computer user &#8211; and especially every programmer &#8211; to understand how parallelism and distributed computing affect problem solving&#046; It is now essential to impart a range of PDC knowledge and skills at various levels within the educational fabric woven by Computer Science (CS), Computer Engineering (CE), and related computational curricula&#046; Companies and laboratories need people with these skills and are finding that they must do extensive on&#8211;the&#8211;job training&#046; However, rapid changes in hardware platforms, languages, programming environments, and advances in research increasingly challenge educators to decide what to teach and how to teach it, in order to prepare students for careers that are increasingly likely to involve PDC&#046;<br>This workshop invites unpublished manuscripts from academia, industry, and government laboratories on topics pertaining to the needs and approaches for augmenting undergraduate education in Computer Science and Engineering, Computational Science as well as computational courses of STEM and business disciplines with PDC and high performance computing (HPC) concepts&#046;<br>The workshop is particularly dedicated to bringing together stakeholders from industry (both hardware vendors and employers), government labs, funding agencies, and academia in the context of SC&#8211;13, so that each can hear the challenges faced by the others, can learn the various approaches to these challenges, and can generally have opportunities to exchange ideas and brainstorm solutions&#046; In addition to contributed talks, this workshop will feature panels, special sessions, and invited talks on opportunities for collaboration, resource sharing, educator training, internships, and other means of increasing cross&#8211;fertilization between industry, government, and academia, without "eating the seed corn&#046;" Proposals for panels and special sessions are also welcome&#046;<br>This effort is in coordination with NSF/TCPP curriculum initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing and the Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER)&#046;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>1&#046; Pedagogical issues in incorporating PDC and HPC in undergraduate education, especially in core courses<br>2&#046; Novel ways of teaching PDC and HPC topics<br>3&#046; Experience with incorporating PDC and HPC topics into core CS/CE courses<br>4&#046; Pedagogical tools, programming environments, infrastructures, languages, and projects for PDC and HPC<br>5&#046; Employers’ experiences with and expectation of the level of PDC and HPC proficiency among new graduates&#046;<br>