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RTCSA 2014 will bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry for advancing the technology of embedded and real&#8211;time systems, and their emerging applications&#046; The conference has the following goals: to investigate advances in embedded and real&#8211;time systems and system design practice and emerging applications; to promote interaction among the areas of embedded computing, real&#8211;time computing and system design practice and emerging applications; to evaluate the maturity and directions of embedded and real&#8211;time system and system design practice and emerging applications technology&#046; The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>EMBEDDED SYSTEMS TRACK<br>&#8211; Embedded System Architectures<br>&#8211; (Heterogeneous) Multi&#8211;core Embedded Systems<br>&#8211; Operating Sysems and Scheduling<br>&#8211; Embedded Software and Compiler<br>&#8211; Power/Thermal Aware Design Issues<br>&#8211; Fault Tolerance and Security<br>&#8211; Reconfigurable Computing Architectures and Software Support<br>&#8211; Ubiquitous and Distributed Embedded Systems and Networks<br>REAL&#8211;TIME SYSTEMS TRACK<br>&#8211;Real&#8211;time operating systems<br>&#8211;Real&#8211;time scheduling<br>&#8211;Timing analysis<br>&#8211;Programming languages and run&#8211;time systems<br>&#8211;Middleware systems<br>&#8211;Design and analysis tools<br>&#8211;Communication networks and protocols<br>&#8211;Media processing and transmissions<br>&#8211;Real&#8211;time aspects of wireless sensor networks<br>&#8211;Energy aware real&#8211;time methods<br>&#8211;Databases<br>SYSTEM DESIGN PRACTICE AND EMERGING APPLICATIONS<br>&#8211; Design Practice for Complex Computing Systems<br>&#8211; Emerging Applications Considering Timing, Power, Reliability, Security, etc&#046;<br>&#8211; Internet of Things and Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Smart Cars, Smart Communities, Smart Environment, etc&#046;<br>&#8211; System Validation and Testing<br>&#8211; Use Cases and Study<br>&#8211; System Design for Ubiquitous computing