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Nowadays, simulative approaches are mandatory to analyze, design, evaluate, and to prepare real test&#8211;runs during the development of these CPS&#046; They enable risk&#8211;less and resource&#8211;efficient experiments to validate system functions and product families&#046; For example, complex simulations of sensors and the environment are required during the development and validation of self&#8211;driving vehicles to safely test the sensor data fusion and algorithms for situation&#8211;adaptive driving decisions&#046; The models, which are utilized in these simulations, are continuously improved and enable in the foreseeable future complex analyses of the simulated system, its behavior, and its context&#046; However, simulation experts to design, realize, and maintain these interconnected simulations as well as the simulation environments are limited factors during the development&#046; Thus, methods, metrics, and tools for the engineering of these complex simulation systems are required to effectively design and evaluate these CPS also in the future&#046;<br>Call for papers<br>We invite submissions according to the following potential topics for the workshop ES4CPS, which are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Simulations for sensor&#8211;based and interconnected CPS<br>&#8211; Cloud&#8211;based simulations for CPS<br>&#8211; Metrics to analyze, monitor, and optimize simulations for CPS<br>&#8211; Approaches for simulations for the evolution of sensory and environmental models<br>&#8211; Planning and management of simulations for CPS<br>&#8211; Methods for combining and aligning simulations and real test&#8211;runs<br>&#8211; Simulation&#8211;based prediction models to plan, manage, and optimize real test&#8211;runs<br>&#8211; Planning and management of simulation&#8211;supported real test&#8211;runs for sensor&#8211;based and interconnected CPS<br>&#8211; Simulation for testing, validation, verification of CPS<br>&#8211; Experience reports<br>&#8211; Tool support and simulation environments<br>