Deadline Paper

<p style="font:normal 15px Trebuchet MS; line&#8211;height:23px; margin&#8211;top:0px;margin&#8211;bottom:0px;" align="justify">AIRCC welcomes research articles from scientists, engineers, research Scholars and professors involved in various Computer Science &amp; Engineering fields from all over the world to publish high quality peer reviewed papers&#046; Papers for publication in the AIRCC Journals are selected through precise peer review to ensure quality, originality, appropriateness, significance and readability&#046; Authors are solicited to contribute to these journals by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the Computer Science, Engineering and Information technology&#046; </p><br><h3 style="height:25px; margin:0 auto;"><font color="#FF0000">Computer Science &amp; Information Technology</font></h3><br><ul style="margin&#8211;top:10px"><li><a href="http://airccse&#046;org/journal/IS/index&#046;html&quot; target="_blank">International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques (IJIST)</a></li></ul><br><h3 style="height:25px; margin:0 auto;"><font color="#FF0000">Paper Submission</font></h3><br><p style="font:normal 15px Trebuchet MS; line&#8211;height:23px; margin&#8211;top:0px;margin&#8211;bottom:0px;" align="justify">Authors are invited to submit papers for these journals through e&#8211;mail/submission system&#046;Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for these Journals&#046;</p>