Kuta, Bali
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

The conference has a format in that papers are accepted for presentation on extended abstract only&#046; Then, at the conference, all accepted and presented papers are reviewed again, in a full version, in Xplore® Digital Library or Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence book&#046;<br>Prospective participants are invited to prepare an extended abstract (min&#046; 500 words, as PDF file) according to the IEEE Transactions format, and electronically submit according to the instructions available on the Conference web site&#046; Full papers, eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library or accepted for publication in Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence book must be prepared in the appropriate format&#046; Some papers will also be selected for expansion into journal papers and invited to participate in the normal peer review process of IEEE Transactions&#046;<br>TOPICS<br>The conference is structured as a set of parallel workshops listed below:<br>&#8211; System theory and applications<br>&#8211; Computer&#8211;aided system optimization and design<br>&#8211; Cooperative engineering systems<br>&#8211; Heuristic computation models and systems<br>&#8211; Biomimetic models, computation &amp; systems<br>&#8211; Autonomous and autonomic systems<br>&#8211; Model&#8211;driven system design<br>&#8211; Communications and networks<br>&#8211; Wireless network systems and technologies<br>&#8211; Security and safety systems<br>&#8211; Cognitive Radio Systems<br>&#8211; Biomedical and health systems<br>&#8211; Computer&#8211;based methods in medicine<br>&#8211; Medical and health systems applications<br>&#8211; Ubiquitous and ambient computing systems<br>&#8211; Cloud computing systems and applications<br>&#8211; Web&#8211;oriented and ontological systems<br>&#8211; Mobile computing and applications<br>&#8211; Internet&#8211;of&#8211;things (IoT)<br>&#8211; Wireless sensor and actuators networks<br>&#8211; Body area networks<br>&#8211; Mechatronic and robotic systems<br>&#8211; Machine vision and image processing<br>&#8211; Haptic systems<br>&#8211; Sensory systems and applications<br>&#8211; Telematics systems<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;time systems and applications<br>&#8211; Software intensive systems<br>&#8211; Simulation systems<br>&#8211; Augmented reality systems<br>&#8211; Social network systems<br>&#8211; User and data centric systems<br>&#8211; Engineering Smart Systems<br>&#8211; System engineering of smart infrastructures<br>&#8211; Precision and vertical agriculture systems<br>&#8211; Engineering smart cities, buildings and homes<br>&#8211; Smart laboratory and educational systems<br>