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SNDS invites submissions containing original ideas that are relevant to the scope of the conference&#046; Like other conferences, SNDS requires that papers not be submitted simultaneously to any other conferences or publications; that submissions not be previously published in peer&#8211;reviewed conferences; and that accepted papers not be subsequently published elsewhere&#046; Papers describing work that was previously published in a peer&#8211;reviewed workshop are allowed, if the authors clearly describe what significant new content has been included&#046;<br>Authors should submit their papers online&#046; We use EDAS system for submission of papers and review process&#046; Unregistered authors should first create an account on EDAS to log on&#046; Detailed usage instruction on EDAS can be found here&#046; The manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format&#046; All submitted papers will be subjected to a "similarity test" by EDAS paper similarity checker&#046; Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected/withdrawn without a formal review&#046;<br>Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in Communications in Computer and Information Science Series(CCIS), ISSN: 1865:0929&#046; CCIS is abstracted/indexed in ISI Proceedings, Scopus, EI and DBLP&#046; The contents will be included in the CCIS electronic book series hosted in the SpringerLink digital library&#046;<br>We welcome submissions for SNDS&#8211;2014&#8242;s Technical Program in the following areas and not limited to:<br>Track 1: Cryptosystems, Algorithms, Primitives<br>Cryptographic Algorithms, Hash Functions<br>Cryptographic Primitives and Security Protocols<br>Digital Signatures<br>Key Distribution and Management<br>Analysis of Security Protocols<br>Privacy, Anonymity and Untraceability<br>Identity Management<br>Provable Security<br>Efficient Implementation<br>Track 2: Security and Privacy in Networked Systems<br>P2P, Grid and Cloud<br>Mobile, Ad Hoc, VANET and Sensor Networks<br>Social Networks<br>Satellite Networks<br>Wireless Networks<br>Distributed Database Systems<br>E&#8211;Governance and E&#8211;commerce<br>Future Home Networks, Internet of Things, Body&#8211;area Networks, Pervasive Services<br>Track 3: System and Network Security<br>Secure Operating Systems<br>Malwares<br>Business Continuity &amp; Disaster Recovery Planning<br>Insider Threats and Countermeasures<br>Hacking and Defending<br>Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Firewalls, Packet Filters<br>Network Security Policies: Implementation Deployment, Management<br>High Performance Security Systems<br>Securing Storage: SAN/NAS Security<br>Database and System Security<br>Internet Security &amp; Applications: IPsec, VPNs and Encryption Modes<br>Web Security, Web Services and Enterprise Security<br>Access Controls and Security Mechanisms<br>Attack Data Acquisition and Network Monitoring<br>Secure Routing, Naming/Addressing, and Network Management<br>Security in Cellular and Content&#8211;delivery Networks<br>Security in High speed Network<br>Security in Optical Systems and Networks<br>Trustworthy Computing for Network Protocols and Distributed Systems<br>Forensics of Network and Distributed Systems<br>Public key Infrastructures, Key Management, Certification, and Revocation<br>Cyber warfare and Physical Security<br>Track 4: Multimedia Security<br>Digital Rights Management<br>Steganography and Digital Watermarking<br>Intelligent Multimedia Security Services<br>Image, Audio and Video Encryption Mechanisms<br>Security of VOIP and multimedia<br>Privacy and Security in Surveillance Videos<br>Multimedia Forensics<br>Visual Event Computation<br>Track 5: Security Modeling, Experiments, Simulation, and Tools<br>Security Metrics and Measurements<br>Security Models and Security Policies<br>Security Simulation and Tools<br>Tradeoff Analysis between Performance and Security<br>Automated Protocols Analysis<br>Large&#8211;scale Attacks and Defense<br>Implementation and Experimental Testbeds<br>Vulnerability Analysis<br>Track 6: Other Security Topics<br>Biometrics<br>Trust and Reputation<br>Security Issues in Software Engineering<br>Code Obfuscation<br>Hardware&#8211;based Security<br>Side Channel Attacks<br>Embedded System Security<br>Secure Mobile Agents and Mobile Code<br>Ethical and Legal Implications of Security and Privacy<br>Language&#8211;based Security<br>Security Standards<br>Security for Critical Infrastructures<br>Security in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing<br>Social and Human Implications of Security and Privacy<br>Active and Adaptive Defense Systems<br>Security and Privacy in Location&#8211;based Services and Complex Systems<br>Security Through Collaboration<br>Management of Computing Security<br>Information Assurance<br>Reliability and dependability<br>Policy Based Management for Security, Privacy and Trust<br>