SNDS invites submissions containing original ideas that are relevant to the scope of the conference. Like other conferences, SNDS requires that papers not be submitted simultaneously to any other conferences or publications; that submissions not be previously published in peer–reviewed conferences; and that accepted papers not be subsequently published elsewhere. Papers describing work that was previously published in a peer–reviewed workshop are allowed, if the authors clearly describe what significant new content has been included.<br>Authors should submit their papers online. We use EDAS system for submission of papers and review process. Unregistered authors should first create an account on EDAS to log on. Detailed usage instruction on EDAS can be found here. The manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format. All submitted papers will be subjected to a "similarity test" by EDAS paper similarity checker. Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected/withdrawn without a formal review.<br>Conference proceedings will be published by Springer in Communications in Computer and Information Science Series(CCIS), ISSN: 1865:0929. CCIS is abstracted/indexed in ISI Proceedings, Scopus, EI and DBLP. The contents will be included in the CCIS electronic book series hosted in the SpringerLink digital library.<br>We welcome submissions for SNDS–2014′s Technical Program in the following areas and not limited to:<br>Track 1: Cryptosystems, Algorithms, Primitives<br>Cryptographic Algorithms, Hash Functions<br>Cryptographic Primitives and Security Protocols<br>Digital Signatures<br>Key Distribution and Management<br>Analysis of Security Protocols<br>Privacy, Anonymity and Untraceability<br>Identity Management<br>Provable Security<br>Efficient Implementation<br>Track 2: Security and Privacy in Networked Systems<br>P2P, Grid and Cloud<br>Mobile, Ad Hoc, VANET and Sensor Networks<br>Social Networks<br>Satellite Networks<br>Wireless Networks<br>Distributed Database Systems<br>E–Governance and E–commerce<br>Future Home Networks, Internet of Things, Body–area Networks, Pervasive Services<br>Track 3: System and Network Security<br>Secure Operating Systems<br>Malwares<br>Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Planning<br>Insider Threats and Countermeasures<br>Hacking and Defending<br>Network Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Firewalls, Packet Filters<br>Network Security Policies: Implementation Deployment, Management<br>High Performance Security Systems<br>Securing Storage: SAN/NAS Security<br>Database and System Security<br>Internet Security & Applications: IPsec, VPNs and Encryption Modes<br>Web Security, Web Services and Enterprise Security<br>Access Controls and Security Mechanisms<br>Attack Data Acquisition and Network Monitoring<br>Secure Routing, Naming/Addressing, and Network Management<br>Security in Cellular and Content–delivery Networks<br>Security in High speed Network<br>Security in Optical Systems and Networks<br>Trustworthy Computing for Network Protocols and Distributed Systems<br>Forensics of Network and Distributed Systems<br>Public key Infrastructures, Key Management, Certification, and Revocation<br>Cyber warfare and Physical Security<br>Track 4: Multimedia Security<br>Digital Rights Management<br>Steganography and Digital Watermarking<br>Intelligent Multimedia Security Services<br>Image, Audio and Video Encryption Mechanisms<br>Security of VOIP and multimedia<br>Privacy and Security in Surveillance Videos<br>Multimedia Forensics<br>Visual Event Computation<br>Track 5: Security Modeling, Experiments, Simulation, and Tools<br>Security Metrics and Measurements<br>Security Models and Security Policies<br>Security Simulation and Tools<br>Tradeoff Analysis between Performance and Security<br>Automated Protocols Analysis<br>Large–scale Attacks and Defense<br>Implementation and Experimental Testbeds<br>Vulnerability Analysis<br>Track 6: Other Security Topics<br>Biometrics<br>Trust and Reputation<br>Security Issues in Software Engineering<br>Code Obfuscation<br>Hardware–based Security<br>Side Channel Attacks<br>Embedded System Security<br>Secure Mobile Agents and Mobile Code<br>Ethical and Legal Implications of Security and Privacy<br>Language–based Security<br>Security Standards<br>Security for Critical Infrastructures<br>Security in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing<br>Social and Human Implications of Security and Privacy<br>Active and Adaptive Defense Systems<br>Security and Privacy in Location–based Services and Complex Systems<br>Security Through Collaboration<br>Management of Computing Security<br>Information Assurance<br>Reliability and dependability<br>Policy Based Management for Security, Privacy and Trust<br>
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