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It will have the goal of highlighting the development and application of formal methods in connection with a variety of disciplines such as medicine, biology, human cognitive modeling, human automation interactions and aeronautics, among others&#046; FM 2014 particularly welcomes papers on techniques, tools and experiences in interdisciplinary frameworks, as well as on experience with practical applications of formal methods in industrial and research settings, experimental validation of tools and methods as well as construction and evolution of formal methods tools&#046; The broad topics of interest for FM 2014 include but are not limited to:<br>Interdisciplinary formal methods: techniques, tools and experiences demonstrating formal methods in interdisciplinary frameworks&#046;<br>Formal methods in practice: industrial applications of formal methods, experience with introducing formal methods in industry, tool usage reports, experiments with challenge problems&#046; Authors are encouraged to explain how the use of formal methods has overcome problems, lead to improvements in design or provided new insights&#046;<br>Tools for formal methods: advances in automated verification and model&#8211;checking, integration of tools, environments for formal methods, experimental validation of tools&#046; Authors are encouraged to demonstrate empirically that the new tool or environment advances the state of the art&#046;<br>Role of formal methods in software and systems engineering:<br>development processes with formal methods, usage guidelines for formal methods, method integration&#046; Authors are encouraged to demonstrate that process innovations lead to qualitative or quantitative improvements&#046;<br>Theoretical foundations: all aspects of theory related to specification, verification, refinement, and static and dynamic analysis&#046; Authors are encouraged to explain how their results contribute to the solution of practical problems&#046;<br>