SS Intelligent Energy Systems
Deadline Paper

Joint Special Section on: "New Trends in Intelligent Energy Systems"<br>Today&#8242;s power and energy systems are in a transformation process towards a smarter grid in order to cope with the large scale integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER), Intelligent and Controllable Loads and E&#8211;vehicles&#046; Advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions and management concepts are one of the key enablers of the future Smart Grid&#046; In order to cope with ever increasing complexity of the Smart Grid itself and its corresponding Cyber&#8211;Physical components and devices new architectures, concepts, algorithms, and procedures are necessary&#046; The main objective of this Special Section is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discussed and exchange their latest achievements to manage the ever increasing complexity in energy systems&#046;<br>Editors invite original manuscripts presenting recent advances in these fields with special reference to the following topics:<br>&#8211; Computational intelligence and soft computing in complex energy systems and modeling of complex energy systems<br>&#8211; Smart grid control, advanced simulation methods for Smart Grid development, advanced control and optimization algorithms and intelligent grid participants (e&#046;g&#046;, DER, intelligent buildings, storages, charging devices) and algorithms for automatic market participation<br>&#8211; Integration of DER devices, storages and intelligent loads (e&#046;g&#046;, intelligent buildings) into Smart Grids, standard&#8211;related topics (e&#046;g&#046; CIM, IEC 61850) for intelligent energy systems and Smart Grids<br>&#8211; Integration of (distributed) stochastic energy generation, recent developments in SCADA and distributed control technology and ancillary services for DER components<br>&#8211;Topic related to e&#8211;vehicles (from a grid point of view), advanced communication systems and approaches for energy systems and cyber&#8211;security issues in intelligent energy systems, training and educational aspects<br>&#8211;Innovative forecasting methods for smart grids, smart building/home control, demand side management in smart grids and microgrids and smart devices for power and energy management&#046;<br>