<h3><strong>Topics </strong></h3> <h4>We are inviting new and unpublished papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:</h4> <p align="justify"> <b>Track 1. Architectures </b></p> <ul><p align="justify"> – Multi/many–core architectures<br>– Interconnection networks<br>– Cluster, grid and cloud computing systems<br>– Network–on–chip architectures<br>– Survivable and safety–critical systems<br>– Ubiquitous computing systems<br>– Sensor, wireless and RFID systems<br>– Reconfigurable architectures<br>– Self–healing, self–protecting network systems<br></p></ul><br><h4> <b>Track 2. Algorithms </b></h4> <ul><p align="justify"> – Combinatorial and graph algorithms<br>– Numeric algorithms<br>– Task mapping and job scheduling<br>– Parallel/distributed databases and knowledge discovery<br>– High–performance scientific computing<br>– Resource allocation and management Power–aware Computing<br>– Secure distributed computing Network routing and traffic control<br></p></ul><br><h4> <b>Track 3. Parallel Programming </b></h4> <ul><p align="justify"> – Multi/many–core programming<br>– Parallel programming theory and models<br>– Formal methods and verification<br>– Middleware for parallel systems<br>– Parallel programming languages<br>– Parallel compilers and runtime systems<br>– Performance analysis, debugging and optimization<br>– Parallel libraries and application frameworks<br></p></ul><br><h4> <b>Track 4. High Performance Systems </b></h4> <ul><p align="justify"> – Operating systems for parallel/distributed systems<br>– High–performance computer arithmetic<br>– Memory hierarchy and caching<br>– Performance tuning, optimization and profiling<br>– Human–computer interaction in parallel/distributed systems<br>– Photonic and quantum computing<br>– Media computing in parallel/distributed systems<br>– Software engineering for parallel/distributed systems<br></p></ul><br><h4> <b>Track 5. Privacy and Security </b></h4> <ul><p align="justify"> – Cloud security<br>– Data privacy protection<br>– Cryptography<br>– Intrusion detection<br>– Copyright protection<br>– Access control<br>– Data provenance<br>– Trusted computing<br></p></ul><br><h4> <b>Track 6. Big Data Processing </b></h4> – Mass data stream processing in clouds<br>– Big data models and computation theory<br>– Big data fusion<br>– Dimension reduction for large data sets<br>– Big data placement, scheduling and optimization Big data mining<br>– Multi–source data processing and integration<br>– Big data workflow processing
Deadline Paper
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