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Mathematical rigor related to Formal Methods enables the analysis of a system at any phase of the software development lifecycle&#046; However, it is still necessary that efforts are devoted to the application of Formal Methods in practice and in large scale&#046; Computational Intelligence is another area of research that can improve Software Assurance&#046; The use of machine learning to generate software test cases and to find defects in software, and the application of data mining to software formal verification are some examples of Computational Intelligence supporting the improvement of Software Assurance&#046; Constraint Programming has been used in the context of software verification&#046; Recent studies have been trying to combine Formal Methods and Constraint Programming to produce high quality software products but there is still much research to do in these fields&#046; The goals of this workshop are two:<br>1&#046;) Encouraging the use of Formal Methods in practice and in large scale, by means of reports of experiences aimed at improving Software Assurance (Software Quality Assurance, Software Quality Control, Software Reliability, Software Verification and Validation);<br>2&#046;) Promoting interdisciplinarity with the combination of Formal Methods, Computational Intelligence, and Constraint Programming aiming at increasing Software Assurance&#046;<br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Formal Methods and Constraint Programming for Software Verification and Validation<br>&#8211; Formal Methods for real&#8211;time and critical systems<br>&#8211; Formal Methods for service&#8211;oriented systems<br>&#8211; Model Checking and Theorem Proving for test case generation<br>&#8211; Formal testing<br>&#8211; Model Checking for software inspection<br>&#8211; Methodologies for Software Assurance based on Formal Methods, and/or Computational Intelligence, and/or Constraint Programming<br>&#8211; Probabilistic analysis using Model Checking and Theorem Proving<br>&#8211; Artificial Neural Networks for Software Verification and Validation<br>&#8211; Machine Learning for Software Verification and Validation<br>&#8211; Data Mining for Software Verification and Validation<br>&#8211; Data Mining in software metrics<br>&#8211; Tools and frameworks to support the formal development of software systems<br>&#8211; Experience reports of application of Formal Methods, Computational Intelligence, and Constraint Programming for improving Software Assurance (Software Quality Assurance, Software Quality Control, Software Reliability, Software Verification and Validation)