SS Distributed Intelligent Systems
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Distributed Intelligent Systems in Industrial Environments<br>The automation level in industrial systems such as manufacturing, power and energy as well as logistics domain increases steadily&#046; Therefore, the management approaches and automation software used in these domains have to deal more and more with a complex structure of distributed and autonomously acting devices with embedded intelligence&#046; In order to master the complexity of such highly interconnected and collaborating devices advanced methods, concepts, and algorithms for their design, implementation, validation, and operation are necessary&#046;<br>This special session focuses therefore on the following recent research results, trends, and practical developments of distributed intelligent systems in industrial environments:<br>&#8211; Concepts and architectures for distributed intelligent systems<br>&#8211; System of systems and complex systems engineering<br>&#8211; Architectures for autonomous systems<br>&#8211; Multi&#8211;agent and holonic&#8211;based approaches<br>&#8211; Self&#8211;organization and other self&#8211;* properties<br>&#8211; Service&#8211;oriented architectures, web technologies, and Enterprise Service Bus<br>&#8211; Ontologies, semantic web and big data in industrial automation<br>&#8211; Collaborative objects<br>&#8211; Applications of distributed and autonomous concepts in the manufacturing, power and energy (Smart Grids) and logistics environment<br>&#8211; Standardization activities in the domain of distributed and autonomous systems<br>&#8211; Educational activities in distributed intelligent systems<br>&#8211; Literature review and recent trends in agent&#8211;based systems and service&#8211;oriented architectures<br>