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We invite submissions in all areas of IS research and particularly encourage those related to the conference theme “Building a Better World Through Information Systems”&#046;<br>Completed research papers are full&#8211;length papers of completed research projects&#046; Accepted completed research papers will be presented at ICIS 2014 and published in the ICIS 2014 proceedings&#046; See individual track descriptions on the conference website for topics of interest&#046;<br>Research&#8211;in&#8211;progress submissions are papers developed from promising but incomplete research projects that will benefit from the feedback of other ICIS participants&#046; Accepted research&#8211;in&#8211;progress papers will be presented as posters at ICIS 2014 and published in the ICIS 2014 proceedings&#046; See individual track descriptions on the conference website for topics of interest&#046;<br>Tracks<br>1 Building a Better World Through IS (Conference Theme Track)<br>2 Societal Impacts of IS<br>3 Breakthrough Ideas in IS<br>4 Decision Analytics, Big Data, and Visualisation<br>5 E&#8211;Business<br>6 Economics and Value of IS<br>7 Global and Cultural Issues in IS<br>8 Human Behavior and IS<br>9 Human&#8211;Computer Interaction<br>10 IS Curriculum and Education<br>11 IS Design Science<br>12 IS Governance<br>13 IS in Healthcare<br>14 IS Security and Privacy<br>15 IS Strategy, Structure, and Organizational Impacts<br>16 Project Management and IS Development<br>17 Research Methods<br>18 Service Science and IS<br>19 Social Media and Digital Collaborations<br>20 General IS Topics<br>21 Panels<br>