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The First International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC&#8211; 2014) will be held at Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat on February 22&#8211;23, 2014&#046; We are hosting this conference under IEEE BTKIT Student Branch, BTKIT ACM Student Chapter and Uttarakhand ACM Professional Chapter&#046; The two&#8211;day conference will include invited keynote and oral presentations&#046; ICACC 2014 will provide a forum for researchers and engineers in both academia and industry to exchange the latest innovations and research advancements in Innovative Computing, Communication and Engineering&#046; ICACCE 2014 also provides the attendees the chances to identify the emerging research topics, as well as the future development directions&#046; Prospective authors are invited to submit full (original) research papers; which are NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conferences or journals&#046;<br>Track 1: Computer Science &amp; Information Systems<br>Mobile Ad&#8211;hoc and Sensor Network<br>Security, Privacy and Trust<br>Natural Language Processing<br>Parallel/Distributed Algorithm and Architecture<br>Distributed Database and Data Mining<br>Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence/ Human&#8211;computer Interaction<br>Big Data Analytics<br>E&#8211;Learning, E&#8211;Commerce, E&#8211;Society, etc<br>Track 2: Electrical &amp; ElectronicsEngineering<br>Power Electronics &amp; Drives<br>Smart Grids<br>Renewable Energy Sources<br>Embedded Applications<br>Wireless Communication<br>Personal Communication System<br>VLSI Design and Fabrication<br>Photonic Technologies<br>Digital Signal Processing<br>Telecommunication Services and Applications<br>Optical Networks<br>