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EWME 2014 will take place in Tallinn whose medieval Old Town is known around the world for its well&#8211;preserved completeness and authentic Hanseatic architecture&#046; Enchanting atmosphere, rich cultural scene, beautiful surroundings and plenty of galleries, cafes and restaurants to choose from: there is something for everyone in Tallinn&#046; EWME 2014 is organized by the Department of Computer Engineering of Tallinn University of Technology&#046;<br>The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum to exchange ideas and to discuss developments and challenges in research and education on microelectronics, microsystems and related areas&#046;<br>Topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>Industrial outlook and projects<br>Microelectronics teaching in the future<br>Emerging fields in design and technology<br>New concepts in teaching<br>Multimedia in microelectronics education<br>Globalization and international education<br>Design and technological innovations<br>Effects of the Bologna Process on microelectronics education in Europe<br>Long&#8211;distance and continuous microelectronics education<br>Novel curricula on micro&#8211; / nanoelectronics education<br>Novel courses, laboratories and design projects<br>Industry&#8211;university collaboration on education<br>Entrepreneurship in micro&#8211; and nanoelectronics<br>Industrial roadmaps and microelectronics education<br>Exchange programs (compatibility of curricula, …)<br>Multi&#8211; and many&#8211;core embedded systems and software in new curricula<br>MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses and microelectronics education<br>