Original contributions on topics including, but not limited to, are welcome:<br>System Architectures for Parallel and Distributed Computing<br>– Multi–Cores, Multi–Clouds, Virtualisation<br>– Clusters and Grid Computing<br>– Methods and Tools for Parallel and Distributed Programming<br>– Embedded, Mobile and Networking Environments<br>Parallel Computing, Models and Algorithms<br>– Parallel Programming Paradigms and APIs<br>– GPU Programming<br>– Bio–inspired Parallel Systems<br>– Quantum Parallelism<br>– Algorithms, Models and Formal Verification<br>High Performance Computing and Large Scale Applications<br>– Tools and Environments for Parallel Progra Design & Analysis<br>– Scalable Algorithms and Applications<br>– Urban Networks and Applications, Vehicular Networks<br>– Parallel, Distributed and Mobile big–Data Management<br>Distributed and Embedded Computing<br>– Collaborative Computing, P2P Computing,...<br>– Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing<br>– Mobile Clouds<br>– Smart distributed and embedded systems<br>– Web Services, Internet Computing<br>– Distributed Software Components<br>– Software Agents and Multi–agent Systems<br>Performance Modeling, Management and Optimisation<br>– Performance Modeling, Analysis and Evaluation<br>– Scheduling and Load Balancing<br>– Optimisation<br>– Security and Dependability<br>Interactivity<br>– Real–time Distributed and Parallel Systems<br>– Visualisation of Massively Parallel Data<br>– IoT, Social Networks,…<br>
Deadline Paper
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