Deadline Paper
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The use of supercomputing technology, parallel and distributed processing, and sophisticated algorithms is of major importance for computational scientists&#046; Yet, the scientists&#8242; goals are to solve their challenging scientific problems, not the software engineering tasks associated with it&#046; For that reason, computational science and engineering must be able to rely on dedicated support from program development and analysis tools&#046;<br>The primary intention of this workshop is to bring together developers of tools for scientific computing and their potential users&#046; Paper submissions by both tool developers and users from the scientific and engineering community are encouraged in order to inspire communication between both groups&#046; Tool developers can present to users how their tools support scientists and engineers during program development and analysis&#046; Tool users are invited to report their experiences employing such tools, especially highlighting the benefits and the improvements possible by doing so&#046;<br>The following areas and related topics are of interest:<br>Problem solving environments for specific application domains<br>Application building and software construction tools<br>Domain&#8211;specific analysis tools<br>Program visualization and visual programming tools<br>On&#8211;line monitoring and computational steering tools<br>Requirements for (new) tools emerging from the application domain<br>In addition, we encourage software tool developers to describe use cases and practical experiences of software tools for real&#8211;world applications in the following areas:<br>Tools for parallel, distributed and network&#8211;based computing<br>Testing and debugging tools<br>Performance analysis and tuning tools<br>(Dynamic) Instrumentation and monitoring tools<br>Data (re&#8211;)partitioning and load&#8211;balancing tools<br>Checkpointing and restart tools<br>Tools for resource management, job queuing and accounting<br>